Monday, December 29, 2008

Sms Alerts To Friends Regarding New Born Babies

fanatics on the rise

About 900 rockets were fired since November '08 by fanatical Palestinians to Israel. The expected response is now entered.

As with the story with the cartoons, one finds again organized Muslims around screaming in the streets on how London shows.
But why these fanatics do not protest against the cowardly missile Schiesser, hiding in Palestinian residential areas and take into account in this way, dead children, women and other civilians? Why this is cowardly, despicable tactic accepted tacitly, as if history had not shown that the Israelis themselves from this cowardly tactic not be deterred from protecting its own people? Why they remain silent when such cowards destroying any possibility for peace or at least a constructive dialogue?

never see this one organized protest against cowardly Muslims rocket launchers, suicide bombers, bombers and peace preventer! Why not?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Driver Dsl 200 Time Vista Install

Merry Christmas!

Although a bit late, but from my heart I wish you all that you had a Merry Christmas and hopefully good and blessed the new 2009 starts!

But it has a benefit: So I can at least tell you how my Christmas looked like this:
I'm just pure again in Durban, leave! This time the weather is better and I have much time for sleeping, doing nothing to read, write emails, simply brilliant! Here is Sebastian, another trekker from Germany, who would later come to Lighthouse. An odd bird from East Germany, but ultra funny ...=)

I must say that I was a bit homesick and I missed all the Christmas traditions. No Christmas market, no cold wind, no sound or favorite winter coat ... particularly on 24 It was funny. Here we celebrate a day later, so was the Christmas Eve nothing special. I then phoned home and was able to Skype a bit part in their feeling of sitting under the tree to sing songs ... There are no decorations, no tree, no candles, nothing! That was funny!

Here everything is just in the summer and very happy. On Christmas morning, it was called then get up early, we went to church. Ezra (here the TREK-coordinators) have come in with their community pretty big and almost all Indians. But very lively and everyone was happy. In the songs and the speeches you could feel the Christmas joy literally!

service in the Indian community was

After three and a half hours and countless "Merry Christmas" wishes, then go home and we had a big braai. The family of Ruth was there and we met many new faces. The kids have spent Christmas in the pool ... But who has to ! Christmas spare ribs and hot weather =)

the guys at barbecues

Yes, it was Christmas: different but beautiful. So I send all best wishes from us all crazy chickens (and roosters =)) on the equator and wish you a good time!

our two crazy cocks and Pieter Sebastian =)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Can You Have Syphilis In The Gums?

Just fantastic!

Although certainly Uganda "the pearl of Africa" is =), I must admit that South Africa is definitely close behind! Today the country has once again demonstrated.
We have indeed now free and we use the Time to sleep at a time until early in the morning to watch series or to make just anything.
Today we explored a bit around and drove to Hartbeesport, a place about 15 minutes, where my community is. You take a short time and then feel like in Italy on Lake Garda!

the künstlcihe Reservoir still beautiful!

a small town, total iyllisch, on the one side stand the high mountains, on the other side is the artificial reservoir and the dam. And I just stood and had to marvel at the beautiful Schöfpung!

It's really beautiful and it is very worthwhile to be here =) Unfortunately, the whole area has been privatized (something like Nature Reserve, South Africans do not know) and so could not be to the water, but even the view from the bridge was worth it.

with Simba and Munashe (Team Kids) against a breathtaking backdrop

holiday season also means more: It's braai time! Braai is the Afrikaans word for barbecue and love the people here about everything and everywhere you can see the smoke and groups to sit together. What are we to sit in the heat by the indoor Christmas tree (which it is not here anyway =))? But rather then invite friends and have a nice evening. And it makes really fun and you are often invited.

is first stirred up strong Feuerle =)

Traditionally, there are the Bure Wors, a kind of meat with a spice that is not so much my case .=) Or, of course, huge pieces of meat and spare ribs, for the I already have more then ... the Bure Wors (or should I rather say worm? =))

For us there but also outside of the holiday fun and sometimes we come to stupid ideas, as evidenced by the following photos ...=)

Denise and Manuel at our Christmas party

When it is hot, you have to provide remedial and cucumbers do just great!

Welcome to the crazy farm!

We were at a wedding and Pieter has waited too long for the food, he took the stuff that's there ...=)

We also have Santa Claus (or even Santa Denise =))

So, now I will continue to chill, have fun in cold Germany, and his jealous ...=)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

How Is International Colour Chart Used

A week full of VIPs

The whole last week was of little sleep, marked a lot of action and a full site, we had our kids camp and about 30 kids were there. Just the organization was legally African: We have veteilt the invitations in our clubs and schools, but ultimately we did not know how many children are actually for now, no one had previously signed.

The VIPs, a cool band!
So then pray and hope on Monday and announced, as were the kids, and ultimately were the 30 really ne good group. Our theme was all VIP Very Important Persons. In the morning we always had biblelesson one where we had a Bible story and then have transferred into the lives of kids. It was really interesting how important kids are in the Bible, such as Josiah and Rhoda!
day we had different program points. Since it is summer, yes, we wanted to inaugurate our new pool. If it would give him for .=) The builders were too late so there was no pool. To cool the kids in the heat won something, we have come up spontaneously a few water features, like a big water slide or just ne simple water fight. And the kids loved it. The heads were always full and we were here on a regular basis as the first wet ...=)

the water slide at all was popular!

highlights were firstly, the workshops on Wednesday afternoon. We have made various things together. I have painted with some kids our old bus, which was really a lot of fun! Others have ne hammock constructed, baked or crafted musical instruments. They were really creative, and our praise then very colorful!

our bus painted

A ground game may be missing and we never large area also lends itself naturally. The kids spent the whole afternoon on the road and had to find different pieces, they found me, the poor victims of abduction .=)
Yesterday was our final evening, and we had a concert. The groups and individual people have prepared and what we could only marvel at what was there all! Songs and poems, and dances and plays awesome ...-!

was general, it really a blessed time and I have it very much. I was surprised to full, how open the kids were and I could have good conversations. We have also seen time and again how the devil uses the children to disrupt our work, that's really scary! Pray that the kids come home changed anyway!
We slept in them and that was an adventure: it was too little space and so have the kids more than I slept on my side ... And of course they find long hair (the hair is not art) really great. Thus städnig us rumfrisiert or just touched was really funny!

geschlaucht Nevertheless, quite a week and I need time alone. In addition I have now sufficiently Opportunity, there are summer holidays and we have free until 19 January. I will go and work up all that are left, and then drive to Durban to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve on the beach ...=)

Best wishes to the snowy Germany (it has the way, 29 ° C =))!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Speeches On Students Farewell Party

Unbelievable but true!

After two weeks without Internet (our modem was broken), I found finally the time to tell you something. And there are a lot of good news.

I have moved! We have it all so no longer considered possible, that we take in this year into the wood house, but you should just never say never. As our Manager came and said, this afternoon we could pack our bags, we could not believe it and now I have to always see if it's true. Yesterday we have taken over all the things from the gallery (it has already accumulated a lot) and now I'm busy on granting. This is fun! And I enjoy scary time to have a door, a closed space, just what their own .=)

my room (part of)

The rest of the house is not finished yet, it still lacks a table in the kitchen, so we eat out, often by candlelight, is sometimes beautiful. In the bathroom, still lacks running water, but after we waited so long now, that's no problem .=) And we still have no door, so the house is so open. I can finish my room but in the rest we have to just trust that it will not disappear.

our kitchen (the table is still)

Especially, we are just happy and can still take it. We still have to finish some or find out yet, but it's fun and we befriend us more and more with "our" house. Next week we will make a great housewarming party when hopefully everything ready is.

In recent weeks it very stressful, because it is just before the summer holidays (which start next week), but there are also many great things:
- Last week we were with the whole team at the concert by Hillsong United . Who have just a tour of South Africa behind and the last stop was Pretoria. It was really a great opportunity, because the maps in Europe are still very expensive and you had to pay almost nothing here. I had thought that it is in a hall, but when we arrived we had to first run a bit and it looked suspiciously like a rugby field .=) At the end it was was great on the grass and the atmosphere. The music was good (of course) and it was just a cool thing to pray with several 1000 people from different countries and backgrounds God! The main theme was love and mission, there was a very appealing sermon and a few good impulses.

great atmosphere at the concert

- Worship in a somewhat smaller scale, I'm going to have more personal. God has made it possible for me in the community where I go, can play in a worship team. The people are really nice and fun to make music with them. Today I first played with them in worship and it was a very blessed time. I am God truly grateful for this opportunity!
- I owe you still a report on Durban: Anyone with WEC in use, must make an orientation course. He's always in the main body of the WEC South Africa, precisely in Durban. They have seminars on culture, but also team life and spiritual growth. I've enjoyed the time and could learn a lot. We did fill up but a lot of time to relax and recharge. The city lies on the sea, we were often on the beach or pool. The landscape is beautiful and you really can only marvel at so many things! The people there are so nice and took good care of us. I could really fill up again and get away from work and the stress that often prevails here. Otherwise

I sweat here quite nicely, as you sit in front of the heater rather .=) So I'll probably jump right into the pool again ...
you a blessed new week!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Flu Gallbladder Attack

images from Durban

Here are some pictures of Durban, where I've spent the last 2 weeks. Assignment of a report follows. Only this: It was heavenly!

Already on the way we see a breathtaking landscape, so different in the north

The beach at Durban's skyline in the background

Footprints that the meter-high Waves but quickly blurred

sunset on the beach

The beach is really beautiful, unfortunately the weather has played not always
but that did not stop us from! =)

With Judah, the child of the Trek director, Ruth and Joshua
a little shaver, the one to love them! =)

men (in Jörg this case) in the kitchen, everyone had to do tasks such as
ne WG huge and very funny!

with my "spare Mama" Ruth-a great love!

photo shoot in the Japanese garden-I am extremly happy
and blessed!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Anesthetic Mirena Taken Out

nuclear power - The power of delusion (-minded)

Atel in the beam and lies madness!

Dr. Rudolf Rechsteiner, Basel, writes:.
"After wind energy and biomass is booming in Germany, the photovoltaic What realizes the Switzerland in one year, private investors are building up in a single day
. Our problem: The powerful nuclear lobby in Switzerland to the successful renewable energy sources to anticipate and create a fait accompli before the expansion comes to speed. you infiltrated with a mendacious propaganda parties, media and business associations.
It is about ideology and money: the old, written-off nuclear power plants are to run as long as possible, the nuclear research should receive billions more and some exclusive suppliers want to earn enough of the enormous profits gained by the composite structures due to old water power plants and monopoly rents (1, CHF 4 billion pa). "

Read the whole anti-lies-catalog here !

Additional links and information you'll find Here:
NWA - N he W ieder A tomkraftwerke
focus anti-nuclear

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Invitation To A Walima

fig politicians

The observer writes :
More than 100 States have signed the ban and the destruction of cluster munitions adopted. But the Swiss Council of States winds. A ban means that it would "limit the defense of our country."

Swiss politicians remain in the minds of the 20th Century and thus to potential murderers.

There was a time when I still felt a certain pride, the pass a so-called carry "humanitarian country, a country that is almost synonymous with the Red Cross.

But that our politicians are too cowardly to show such a horror of mass murder weapons, the red card, I find it extremely embarrassing!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Eagle Brand Caramel Frosting

arrogance of the powerful

Vatican Radio writes lurid:
"India: No Sunday more" wants thereby lay a state of only the day of rest from Sunday to Tuesday, as the Christian before the invaders and their " cancellation ", which they had been suppressed for two centuries the Indians, was the case.

The height of arrogance lies in the belief the church, they could interfere in such decisions of a Hindu state. Vatican Radio says:
"The church is contrary to the plan vigorously."

One might think that the Christian invasion by the English, would give the church more than 60 years after Indian independence, still have any rights they had acquired through centuries, "theft".

would use the church or maybe the rest day "Sunday" as an aid to Christianize the Indian underclass?

The Catholic Church would be better for their millions of dollars to combat hunger and the exploiters mentality of so called Christian countries , Use instead put their millions in the conversion of uneducated non-Christians.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Difference Between Deluge

Toni Brunner = cult guru? Where

What distinguishes a cult?
A dogmatic doctrine and the necessity of having to follow a member of this doctrine.
is another symptom of sects, that it is not the members allowed to have its own cult independent opinion. Free thinkers are punished, bullied or excluded, so that others are not infected with one hand, their "poison" and also intimidated by the leadership.

, we apply this rough pattern on the SVP Switzerland, which has now excluded because of the independently thinking SVP Federal Councillor Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, the District Party of Graubünden, we would have the spiritual disciple of old guru Blocher, Toni Brunner, called political-cult guru and SVP Switzerland as a political sect!

* Info: Guru = teacher militants

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How Do You Call Inside Car Part

demonstrate the peace-loving Muslims?

group responsible for bombing

A previously unknown militant group has 200 to the series of attacks in the Indian city of Jaipur with 63 dead and wounded unknown. The group calls itself "Indian Mujahideen".

(sda) The activists sent, according to the Interior Minister of the state of Rajasthan by e-mail claiming responsibility for several Indian video media.

"you support the U.S. and the UK and we are putting pressure on them and from you," said the suspected bombers in the video. Even a bicycle was loaded with explosives to see, which exploded at a stop of the eight locations.

The Indian police on Wednesday arrested two suspects in connection with the bombings. Whether they belong to the Indian Mujahideen, was not immediately known. On Tuesday, eight bombs in busy markets and near a Hindu temple had exploded almost simultaneously.

statewide schools and government offices remained closed on Wednesday. Jaipur has more than two million inhabitants and is located about 260 kilometers from New Delhi.

comment Gaurahari:
After such a wave of fundamentalist-Islamic frenzy of violence with 60 dead and many injured people might think you actually want peace-loving circles go of Islam on the streets and protest that their religion misused by those murderous criminals and is vilified. Worldwide, tens of thousands of Muslims have protested and Mordrohungen pronounced than in Belgium a couple of vicious (but ultimately harmless) cartoons were published.
But the Islamic world is almost silent when in their name almost every day somewhere atrocities and killings by the most despicable cowards be exercised.

leaves me with this behavior, some question marks!


Thursday, May 8, 2008

How Much Power Does It Take To Run A Pedestal Can

Bush and his "logic"

according to Washington Post, Bush said that the Indian middle class "is now larger than our entire population," meaning the people of the United States. With growing prosperity, the increased demand for better nourishment will, "and thereby raise prices."

Caption: " No wonder we have at home in the U.S. food shortages -. These Indians eat too much " (Times of India)

Would not it be the U.S. President would think any reasonably educated person, this is the testimony of a less privileged morons, but maybe it's just for the poor. American (uneducated) people thought to distract from his own hunger-producing policy

In Western countries, he would have gotten away with this stupid remark probably 20minutes writes:.. "In India, however, the remark caused a storm of indignation. It was interpreted as a suggestion that the Indians were responsible for the worldwide rise in prices. "

" India exports more food than it imports. The claim that the prices rose because of a changed India is "completely misleading," said Manish Tewari, a spokesman for the ruling Congress party.

The newspaper "Times of India pointed out that the U.S. uses per capita five times more food than India and underlined this with a biting cartoon (see above).

For Devinder Sharma, an expert on food policy in New Delhi, Bush's remark "is a form of racism." It implies that one would have the right to an excess of food, the other does not. "If the Indians would eat as much as the Americans, the world food would "produce on the Moon, Sharma said the Washington Post.

infographics food crisis of 20 minutes.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Flying Arm Trebuchet Plans

Israeli Minister Holocaust

still not a hundred years have passed since the mass murders of Hitler and even politicians dare to threaten other ethnic groups with the term "Shoah" (Holocaust).

That such a threat, but from the mouth of an Israeli vice-minister comes, the whole situation is an extremely macabre note.

Read for yourself!

moved under public pressure, the Vice-Minister on the same day back to the announcement of a Holocaust. Link to article .


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Congratulatory Notes On Engagement

Aargau (AG) = Attention danger threatens

In Aargau death speeders are not pulled from the market!

A seven times convicted speeders runs over and kills a 14-year-old - and may keep thanks to yesterday's verdict Aargau his ticket. An exception? No, as the relatives of the victim to have experienced with sheer terror.

More info:

Friday, February 1, 2008

Ploaroid Camera Parts

Carcasses more expensive covers

Business with dead cattle is difficult. The EU and Switzerland impose an import ban on Brazilian beef corpses.

What? They call it "fine pieces"?
Brave New World, which parts of animal corpses as "precious pieces" means.

Who knows really, how noble is this "precious property" come from?

reconnaissance !

Friday, January 4, 2008

How Do I Connect A Hard Drive To My Tv

what you have today searched the Internet?

searched? We certainly do not understand the google (tm) use ("google" the verb Wikipedia )

... contributions to the previous nor appropriate ...

you: signed on the petition or are politically active
you: two terms are used

you sometimes: monitored

polylog terrorist surveillance @ videothek

Are Biotique Products Good?

"Monitoring is not allowed"


known whether the Data Protection Is that no IMSI-Catcher direction finding equipment, but those are for the interception of mobile phones without the assistance of the network operator, this was the last question.
"With the IMSI-catcher I have not explained to me," says Wögerbauer. "Listening is certainly not illegal."

Tally 7.2 Open But Memory Access Violation Error

Austria is free ... The

of privacy?

As newspapers are filled again and reports on data retention in Germany, and somehow in mind was that it's kind in Austria, so I am now even gone to research ...

on request of g.: this is a summary of the many references as the left and sources are cited ...

are InsideWeb several petitions and protests similar to find this here

"At the midnight of December 6, 2007 resolved the National Council the amendment to the Security Police Act this has been turned off in one evening three controls.
  • the supervision of judges
  • the control of Provider
  • the control of Parliament
For the first time allowed to the police without a court order
  • location data from mobile phones query
  • IMSI-Catcher use force
  • network operators to provide information about dynamic IP addresses "

sounds hefty times already ... then reported the JV (joint venture) data

"permanent monitoring of telephone calls, email and SMS jeopardize fundamental freedoms - with basic values of open society incompatible - industrial espionage is possible to push - editorial, lawyers and doctors secret lost - massive economic burden threatened. "
Quote: ARGE data

well ... now I want to read the exact text of the law ...

the Austrian Data Protection Commission met in the Data Protection Report 2007
following statement (on Due to complaints of stored IP addresses, and master data transmission to the music industry)

6.2.9. Retention of traffic data
Internet connections (K213.000)

"§ 99 Telecommunications Act 2003 requires operators of public
communication networks, traffic data, the extra in
the law, specific arrangements for cases to
completion of the technical and organizational
settlement of a network linking anonymize
or delete them. IP addresses can access
within the meaning of § 92 para 3 4a Telecommunications Act 2003 and therefore
traffic data for the purposes of the TKG 2003. Only
static IP addresses can simultaneously
its master data, when in a directory
the identity of the subscriber data are connected.
The storage of dynamically assigned IP addresses for the purposes of verification

a Fair Use Policy is not necessary for billing purposes
and can therefore not be on the admissibility
based on § 99 para 2 TKG 2003. "
(recommendation K213.000 / 0005-DSK/2006). "

... aha Telecommunications Act ... 2003 version with some amendments (amendments to spam, etc.) ...

secret communication
§ 93 (1) The secrecy of the communication content data, traffic data and location data. The secret communication extends to the data of unsuccessful connection attempts.
(2) For the safeguarding of confidentiality of communications, each operator and all persons involved in the activities of the operator required. The obligation of confidentiality shall continue after the end of the activity by which it was founded.
(3) Recording Listening, tapping, interception or other monitoring of communications and the associated traffic and location data and the dissemination of information by persons other than a user without consent of all the user is permitted. This does not apply to recording and tracking of telephone calls as part of the reception of emergency calls and the cases of fishing circuit and for a technical storage which is required for the transmission of a message.
(4) If accidentally using a radio system, a telecommunications terminal equipment or by any other technical device to receive messages that are for the radio system, the telecommunications terminal equipment or the user of the other device to be determined, then any of the content of the messages and the fact of their reception or yet recorded or communicated to any unauthorized person for any Purposes be used. Recorded messages are erased or otherwise destroyed.

sounds good ... well, then came the first designs for the amendment of the Telecommunications Act according to the EU setting ...

Source: Comparison of law and design on

4a. "Access" that traffic data, resulting in access of a subscriber to a public communications network with the operator and for the assignment of any given time for a communication network used for addressing Participants are required;

4a. "Stock data" all that ordinary, traffic and location data to access a subscriber to a public communications network or for the purpose of billing thereof produced or processed, including data of unsuccessful call attempts where that data collected and stored about the provision of telephone services or in connection the provision of Internet services logs, which are:
b) to identify the destination of a communication data concerning fixed network telephony and mobile
f) to determine the location of mobile communication equipment:

... However, with the sales ...

§ 102a.
(2) The data to be stored so that they and all other necessary information without delay to the implementation of an interception of a telecommunication authorities can be forwarded on the basis of a court order or decree.

... a court order or decree ...

Well ... The amendment seems to have decided not ...
but what is the now the Transportation Pete ... oh yes ... that is the Security Police Act ....

new Security Policy Act by 12/6/2007:
§ 53 para 3a:
"3 (a) The security authorities are entitled to by operators of public
telecommunications services (§ 92 para 3 1 Telecommunications Act of 2003 - Telecommunications Act 2003, BGBl . I
No. 70), and other service providers (§ 3 Z 2 E-Commerce Law - ECG, Federal Law Gazette I No. 152/2001)
to request information about first
Name, address and the telephone number of a particular port, second
Internet Protocol address (IP address) to a specific message and the time of delivery, and

third Name and address of a user that an IP address to a given time
was assigned
2 of 7 272 of the side dishes XXIII. GP - Decision NR - legal text
if certain facts justify the assumption of a specific risk situation and this
data as essential to the performance, in accordance with this Act transferred
tasks require. The designation of a connection to condition 1 can be made for the fulfillment of the first
assistance in general duty or the defense of dangerous attacks and by reference to a
run from this port call by name for a specific period of time and
number of auditors. The requested party is obliged to provide information
immediately and to give free "

I thought the data should not be stored according to Telecommunications Act 2003? The amendment to the Telecommunications Act 2003 is not yet decided ... or is it? or ... uh ...

Fact: A horror ... my beloved ... Big Brother scenarios - follow in the next post ...

brainwave [leached by law texts]

ps: spelling correction - forget it!

B A L O Nt O W E R D E F E N C E 4

hominization (lat. the Incarnation)

Source: Wikipedia

The hominization (lat. the Incarnation) is the biological and cultural development of the human species as part of evolution.

The incarnation began after current state of research in East Africa. By random changes (mutations) of the genome, genetic recombination and natural selection processes arose from chimpanzee-like ancestors, in several batches and sometimes parallel, new branches of the tree, where one of them finally emerged from Homo sapiens. Why are people from all forms of modern man only remained one of the unresolved issues of paleoanthropology, a sub-science of anthropology. Generations of researchers searched and search for missing links, which would explain the transition from one type to another. Missing Links is finding such random and is considered highly unlikely, since the emergence of new branches is mostly limited to a few individuals of a nuclear family. In most cases there are incomplete fossils (usually only parts of the skull, lower jaw bone, teeth, leg and arm bones, part of the basin, etc.) of individuals that only come from a side branch of development.