Saturday, December 27, 2008

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Merry Christmas!

Although a bit late, but from my heart I wish you all that you had a Merry Christmas and hopefully good and blessed the new 2009 starts!

But it has a benefit: So I can at least tell you how my Christmas looked like this:
I'm just pure again in Durban, leave! This time the weather is better and I have much time for sleeping, doing nothing to read, write emails, simply brilliant! Here is Sebastian, another trekker from Germany, who would later come to Lighthouse. An odd bird from East Germany, but ultra funny ...=)

I must say that I was a bit homesick and I missed all the Christmas traditions. No Christmas market, no cold wind, no sound or favorite winter coat ... particularly on 24 It was funny. Here we celebrate a day later, so was the Christmas Eve nothing special. I then phoned home and was able to Skype a bit part in their feeling of sitting under the tree to sing songs ... There are no decorations, no tree, no candles, nothing! That was funny!

Here everything is just in the summer and very happy. On Christmas morning, it was called then get up early, we went to church. Ezra (here the TREK-coordinators) have come in with their community pretty big and almost all Indians. But very lively and everyone was happy. In the songs and the speeches you could feel the Christmas joy literally!

service in the Indian community was

After three and a half hours and countless "Merry Christmas" wishes, then go home and we had a big braai. The family of Ruth was there and we met many new faces. The kids have spent Christmas in the pool ... But who has to ! Christmas spare ribs and hot weather =)

the guys at barbecues

Yes, it was Christmas: different but beautiful. So I send all best wishes from us all crazy chickens (and roosters =)) on the equator and wish you a good time!

our two crazy cocks and Pieter Sebastian =)


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