Thursday, May 15, 2008

How Do You Call Inside Car Part

demonstrate the peace-loving Muslims?

group responsible for bombing

A previously unknown militant group has 200 to the series of attacks in the Indian city of Jaipur with 63 dead and wounded unknown. The group calls itself "Indian Mujahideen".

(sda) The activists sent, according to the Interior Minister of the state of Rajasthan by e-mail claiming responsibility for several Indian video media.

"you support the U.S. and the UK and we are putting pressure on them and from you," said the suspected bombers in the video. Even a bicycle was loaded with explosives to see, which exploded at a stop of the eight locations.

The Indian police on Wednesday arrested two suspects in connection with the bombings. Whether they belong to the Indian Mujahideen, was not immediately known. On Tuesday, eight bombs in busy markets and near a Hindu temple had exploded almost simultaneously.

statewide schools and government offices remained closed on Wednesday. Jaipur has more than two million inhabitants and is located about 260 kilometers from New Delhi.

comment Gaurahari:
After such a wave of fundamentalist-Islamic frenzy of violence with 60 dead and many injured people might think you actually want peace-loving circles go of Islam on the streets and protest that their religion misused by those murderous criminals and is vilified. Worldwide, tens of thousands of Muslims have protested and Mordrohungen pronounced than in Belgium a couple of vicious (but ultimately harmless) cartoons were published.
But the Islamic world is almost silent when in their name almost every day somewhere atrocities and killings by the most despicable cowards be exercised.

leaves me with this behavior, some question marks!



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