Monday, December 29, 2008

Sms Alerts To Friends Regarding New Born Babies

fanatics on the rise

About 900 rockets were fired since November '08 by fanatical Palestinians to Israel. The expected response is now entered.

As with the story with the cartoons, one finds again organized Muslims around screaming in the streets on how London shows.
But why these fanatics do not protest against the cowardly missile Schiesser, hiding in Palestinian residential areas and take into account in this way, dead children, women and other civilians? Why this is cowardly, despicable tactic accepted tacitly, as if history had not shown that the Israelis themselves from this cowardly tactic not be deterred from protecting its own people? Why they remain silent when such cowards destroying any possibility for peace or at least a constructive dialogue?

never see this one organized protest against cowardly Muslims rocket launchers, suicide bombers, bombers and peace preventer! Why not?


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