Friday, January 4, 2008

B A L O Nt O W E R D E F E N C E 4

hominization (lat. the Incarnation)

Source: Wikipedia

The hominization (lat. the Incarnation) is the biological and cultural development of the human species as part of evolution.

The incarnation began after current state of research in East Africa. By random changes (mutations) of the genome, genetic recombination and natural selection processes arose from chimpanzee-like ancestors, in several batches and sometimes parallel, new branches of the tree, where one of them finally emerged from Homo sapiens. Why are people from all forms of modern man only remained one of the unresolved issues of paleoanthropology, a sub-science of anthropology. Generations of researchers searched and search for missing links, which would explain the transition from one type to another. Missing Links is finding such random and is considered highly unlikely, since the emergence of new branches is mostly limited to a few individuals of a nuclear family. In most cases there are incomplete fossils (usually only parts of the skull, lower jaw bone, teeth, leg and arm bones, part of the basin, etc.) of individuals that only come from a side branch of development.


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