Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Slogans Eating Healthy

BLACK in GERMANY - Today already helped!

The first two weeks of 2011 have been extremely eventful for Africa - and for its people full of violence and yet full of hope.
Liberian President Ellen Sirleaf President Johnson-
/ Photo: Liberia Official Government Website


see as many state that they hope in particular Dimensions makes visible: tells of 14 years of civil war, hundreds of thousands dead and millions of refugees. And a new start that urged the President Ellen Sirleaf-
. Sirleaf, a few weeks ago transformed almost her entire Cabinet to respond to the elections this year, the best way possible. And as you can hear and read everywhere in Liberia,
started the campaign far
people in South Africa Alexandria
a death trap: They died in a fire and the subsequent panic in a restaurant in the provincial town Ipelegeng.
far higher still were the numbers of victims on the cruel bomb attack in front of a Coptic church in Egypt
New Year's Eve. 43 people died in this attack
completely new dimension , they had assembled with their families and friends for holiday church services.
a result of the attack broke into the city and elsewhere
n of bloody unrest in Egypt
riots after the assassination, Picture, Thank you!
Egypt: Street fighting in Alexandria after bombing Islamists planned and executed the attack, but there were no traces consternation in the world and anxiety in the Egyptian Christians
Although it was assumed by the police from the beginning had that
days of the perpetrators. Only later were then found body parts, which the offender and ultimately to a Egyptian Islamist group could be assigned. Besides
has provoked the bombing also
diplomatic problems pulled its ambassador
Vatican from .
and showed and Germany over applied, both for alleged inappropriate criticism. End of this week there was another Coptic dead, who was shot by an Egyptian policeman on a train

bombing in Alexandria on New Year's night photo, thank you! Several Egyptian killed in attack on church
Unfortunately, the Egyptian attacks on Christians are not the only ones: How soon followed news of bomb attacks and raids on Christian villages with many deaths from
, where the police then proceeded against the Islamists
Somalia made the
worldwide attention to itself because, by a new law
handshakes between men and women under Threat of capital punishment have banned.
New Act of the Islamists / photo, thank you! Somalia: men and women is forbidden handshake

Also the long awaited

back with all belongings home / photo, thank you! southern Sudanese to return from the north
The separation of the two parts of the country in two sovereign states will now bring will of the international community peace (guest post by Barack Obama!) why hundreds of thousands have returned to the South are there to cast their votes . The
in Sudan's capital Khartoum however, remained empty. Also in Kenya ready to back the new African state .
refugees can cast their vote, the country had not only taken for years countless Sudanese refugees, it turns a lot of money and great resources
a good start to a good future

On the way to a popular vote / Photo, Thanks! : Sudan before the referendum: Ironically, Sudan! required for the separation votes in the referendum were already in less than half of the available time together, whether the separation but really easy
walk across the stage, is
is highly uncertain
. before and had even during the referendum , and still is unclear how - after been recently discovered large Ölvorkommnisse in the previously barren
existed along the new boundary always fighting and many deaths
dictator Bashir now will actually behave

and poor southern region were

In Mali Niger . The two were in a rescue attempt - killed - including French units.
there has been a bombing of the French Embassy with two wounded, and
were kidnapped two young Frenchmen when eating from a restaurant
More and more kidnappings are reported from Africa
, which is also related to an emerging terrorism related.
In Zambia striking African miners have been shot at by Chinese coal managers. The Chinese were freed on bail, but are now looking for them with two embassy staff by guaranteeing arrest warrant because they had not shown up for court date. But only days later appeared China's Vice-President on state visit in Zambia, which is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The Chinese have been alone in the year 2010 with a billion
- investment involved in it - sometimes very controversial
. investors also Uganda immediately to combat the dangerous yellow fever that has broken out recently there. The latest statistics say more than 40 dead , the government has a
urgently: The country needs 12 billion dollars
special task force in the north
sent the country to prevent something worse. In the meantime, was also considered vaccine, and the much-needed vaccines in the neighboring country
Ivory Coast because of the unrest there so far not arrived, or even administered . Laurent Gbagbo / photo, thank you! movement in the struggle for power: Gbagbo agrees talks to The situation in Ivory Coast

is still unclear , President Gbagbo still refuses to recognize the election results of December to withdraw, but has now agreed to negotiate. Previously it had that USA , the UN strongly pressured . In recent days it had repeatedly
both the former colonial "mother country" France, the EU
and many African countries
street fighting
, dead and
attacks on UN personnel and where UN soldiers . Meanwhile is even a possible coalition government the speech to the history of the country to meet and to finally restore composure. The situation has remained unexpectedly in recent days by and large, relatively quiet. quite different in North Africa , which led initially very quiet protests against unemployment and price increases at food within a few days of violence and the overthrow of the government in Tunisia .
unrest was felt in
long Maghreb, but the governments Algeria of mostly young people from first open, there were violent clashes on the streets
in Algiers and Tunisia had been everything under dictatorial grip . In
broke protest
shops burned, a teenager died
. But although the number of deaths steadily increased , barricades were burning everywhere and looting took place, first in the riots led Tunisia and Algeria in to climax. There were also self-immolation , police fired into the protesters set , the army occupied the capital , there was curfews
- and was
President Ben Ali The violence
keep after the flight of the dictator to
Robert Mugabe / photo, thank you! Zimbabwe: Is Mugabe to die?

yet another dictator has surprisingly left his country - and we hope many citizens of his state , old and long in cancer, within a go week for the second time and his personal doctor to Malaysia. Security circles of the country could be heard, that the condition of the 87-year-olds had deteriorated to the extent that could be expected in its early demise
Zimbabwe , no return: ill Robert Mugabe


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