Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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The Tale of the Zoo Hannover

The District
in the beautiful Lower once lived a man named Hauke Jagau. Jagau actually was district administrator of Hanover, but that it sounded important, he and his Workers' Association had been renamed in the county region, and the district administrator in Region President. "Who's needs." is thought some Hanoverians, who thought most but nothing, because the District was largely unknown in the population. It grieved him greatly, for he would have liked to popular (after all, was soon choice) and so he devised a plan. was

The county seat is Hanover a zoo, which was considered the largest and most beautiful for miles around. Beautiful scenery here and it was exciting animals, and people came from miles around to visit him. Out he was an able administrator, the advocate making, who performed his work so prudent and competent, that he was the only zoo in the country earned money. This zoo was the district administrator Jagau to take advantage of. "For all the poor people in my sphere of duty in the garden of the inlet to be reduced," he declared, and decreed that the poor have to pay now instead of 23 only 18 pieces of silver when the beautiful scenery and exciting wanted to look at animals.

The zoo
The toiling masses, the district administrator plan, it should for its adoption have on the shoulders and admire, but in reality it was his doing twice as foolish and hypocritical . For indeed he himself had been the one who was making the able administrator always need to budget so that it needs without the subsidy from the state coffers, the only reason the intake customs was so proud that 23 pieces of silver. Furthermore, the reduced amount was for the poor of the district a gift with no value - including the 18 pieces of silver they could not pay. This all knew the manager, so the district administrator plans publicly scolded as nonsense.

Since darkened the heart of the district administrator, because he did not desist from his plan, to be popular among the people (the people that love by itself only those who govern with efficiency in office, took care of him). And in his anger, he designed his way as he could rid himself of his adversary. At first he did when he was a friend of the manager. honored as one of these for his thirst was put it down beside him and patted him on the shoulder. Shortly thereafter, he then went to the rapporteurs of the newspapers, which he whispered, making the poor would become very weak and old of the many hard working, so he could retire now retires to his . The heavy day's work should now attack others in need to take.

making and Jagau
The administrator making, however, did not allow so simple that his work would be taken from him. So he also provided the Gazette writers who proclaimed in the whole county, then that is not of age and frailty could be discussed. Because the people recognized the true nature of the district administrator Hauke Jagau. They saw that all he those who were more capable than himself, envied the success and they tried to diminish with infamy. And they closed their hearts to him and turned away from him and thought him no more.


If this really was a fairy tale that came now the happy ending. Making is likely to continue, would be subjected to ostracism Jagau and everything would be fine. In reality, it is so that even a broomstick would be elected as Regional President, when he was a candidate for the SPD. The story ends thus rather sad.

--- And as the district administration got rid of the manager and through him an inappropriate, but had replaced obedient follower, he laughed at the folly of people in the county. For he knew that would be so long, most of them choose to continue in blind allegiance to his workers' association, he could always implement a more sinister plan into action without fear of consequences must be. Only one did not succeed - loved by the man he was before.

1: flickr / SPD Niedersachsen , 2: FS, 3: Hannover Adventure Zoo


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