Saturday, November 20, 2010

Scissor Jack Mechanism Hidden Blade

reggae legend Gregory Isaacs: Farewell in London before the state funeral in Jamaica


18/11/2010. The Old Man and the bar's third film festival »AFRIKAMERA" in Berlin (daily newspaper young world)

The Old Man and the barrier. The 3rd Film Festival »AFRIKAMERA" in Berlin
With the Germany premiere of the feature film "Un homme quie crie" (Chad / F / Belgium 2010, photo) is in Berlin today, the 3rd Film Festival »AFRIKAMERA" opened. The film tells how a family breaks up in Chad in the circumstances. No, not another victim story from Africa? "Un homme crie quie" is different. It is about Adam, who came as a lifeguard at a luxury hotel in years. Chinese investors take over the house. The lifeguards will degraded to the parking attendant must now lift his own hand barriers thronging, honking motorists. Hell on earth, especially in a country that is nearing a civil war. Hotel lifeguard is Adam's son Abdel. The two of submission. As Abdel be forcibly recruited, Adam did not even attempt to ransom him. If he speculated on his old job, going to the bill. Compared with Abdel's pregnant girlfriend is the old man sadly. It comes, as come it must, and Abdel will be buried by his father. The body drifting down a river. A happy ending fails. The film directed by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun remains calm, subdued under paints the lapping of the waves in the pool everyday madness. "Un homme crie quie" is a good example that Africa »postindependence generation" from the "cinema adopted the slogans" has, without throwing out the baby with the bath and to be irrelevant. When "AFRIKAMERA" Festival (also known as the e in camera) to Sunday, eight other films on show, including a satire about the Congolese dictator Mobutu, a documentary on the Rastafari Haile Selassie myth (last Ethiopian emperor) and one on the first freely elected head of state of the continent, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (Liberia).
Berlin Film Festival »AFRIKAMERA: Florian Wachinger on cinema from Africa

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