Saturday, November 20, 2010

Scissor Jack Mechanism Hidden Blade

reggae legend Gregory Isaacs: Farewell in London before the state funeral in Jamaica


18/11/2010. The Old Man and the bar's third film festival »AFRIKAMERA" in Berlin (daily newspaper young world)

The Old Man and the barrier. The 3rd Film Festival »AFRIKAMERA" in Berlin
With the Germany premiere of the feature film "Un homme quie crie" (Chad / F / Belgium 2010, photo) is in Berlin today, the 3rd Film Festival »AFRIKAMERA" opened. The film tells how a family breaks up in Chad in the circumstances. No, not another victim story from Africa? "Un homme crie quie" is different. It is about Adam, who came as a lifeguard at a luxury hotel in years. Chinese investors take over the house. The lifeguards will degraded to the parking attendant must now lift his own hand barriers thronging, honking motorists. Hell on earth, especially in a country that is nearing a civil war. Hotel lifeguard is Adam's son Abdel. The two of submission. As Abdel be forcibly recruited, Adam did not even attempt to ransom him. If he speculated on his old job, going to the bill. Compared with Abdel's pregnant girlfriend is the old man sadly. It comes, as come it must, and Abdel will be buried by his father. The body drifting down a river. A happy ending fails. The film directed by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun remains calm, subdued under paints the lapping of the waves in the pool everyday madness. "Un homme crie quie" is a good example that Africa »postindependence generation" from the "cinema adopted the slogans" has, without throwing out the baby with the bath and to be irrelevant. When "AFRIKAMERA" Festival (also known as the e in camera) to Sunday, eight other films on show, including a satire about the Congolese dictator Mobutu, a documentary on the Rastafari Haile Selassie myth (last Ethiopian emperor) and one on the first freely elected head of state of the continent, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (Liberia).
Berlin Film Festival »AFRIKAMERA: Florian Wachinger on cinema from Africa

index (homepage AFRIKAMERA)

Festiwelt Berlin - The survey of about 50 film festivals in Berlin
Official logo of the AFRIKAMERA

Friday, November 19, 2010

Increased Cervical Mucus Before Menstruation

Kino Arsenal AFRIKAMERA to Sunday still in Berlin

Uwe Gemballa / Photo: © Reuters / THANKS / ... / 2010/02/

long time and was a lot of effort for the missing last February in South Africa were German Uwe Gemballa searched on the spot The story was the luxury car dealer with the allegedly dubious contacts with the criminal and the Money-scene world's most-thousand times by all media.

Uwe Gemballa - Interpol issue 'Yellow Notice'

tech kind of criminal? No! Porsche
Many people who had really nothing to do with the criminal case and that nothing fundamental had also attached to the Enlightenment, the harsh media spotlight use of the fickle person Gemballa this to yourself set the scene, while in South Africa was still being sought unsuccessfully for the missing

As GEMBALLA body finally was found in late September -. While carefully wrapped in foil, but without any obvious, external injuries - was also the the journalists and Gossips of course, immediately countless international top stories worth
Uwe Gemballa found dead in South Africa

Uwe Gemballa the famous car tuner has been murdered in South ...

Uwe Gemballa: Mafia murder? Porsche tuner murdered - BZ Berlin
Missing Porsche tuner: Uwe Gemballa found dead in South Africa - Panorama always enthusiastically told story. namely the short message, which ended today, almost unnoticed by some, a few newspapers The alleged murderer of the car dealer was arrested last Friday in South Africa. That same day, the "offender" is not only the process done, he was immediately - in the truest sense of the word - in a very "short shrift" found guilty and sentenced to a 20-year sentence . is generally understood so well that those responsible for this unpleasant case is a much-forex-making and finally assassinated Europeans - and as quickly as possible - Again want out of the daily themes of the world press. But this raises obvious question of who is really behind why this express condemnation and whom it benefits. And after the statements of some competent South Africans who know the legal system of the country at the Cape well, heard, one must doubt most seriously the fact that the 28-year-old South African Thabiso Mpshe is tätsächlich the long-sought murderer by Uwe Gemballa:

South Africa: Killer of Porsche tuner Gemballa convicted - From around the world - Times Online

"... The 28-year-old Thabiso Mpshe from Pretoria was found, police said on Friday the Supreme Court in Johannesburg guilty. He was sentenced to a 20-year prison sentence. Mpshe was therefore only on the morning of Friday have been arrested. The body of 54-year-old Gemballa was the end of September in Pretoria Atterdigeville been found in a plastic bag after he was regarded as missing since early February. The 54-year-old was on shortly after his arrival from Dubai 8th February in Johannesburg disappeared. The next day he had, according to the German police of his wife by telephone reported an accident and said he needed a large sum of money. He had a surprise phone call to his wife in English geführt. Danach verlor sich seine Spur."    Rush hush-hush justice for killer
By SASHNI PATHER and WERNER SWART/Johannesburg Sunday Times

"...The Sunday Times can today reveal exclusively that 28-year-old Thabiso Mpshe of Pretoria was arrested quietly on Friday and appeared in the high court in Johannesburg that afternoon.
As revealed previously in the Sunday Times, the businessman's body was found buried in Atteridgeville just over a month ago, on September 28. 
Police spokesman Colonel Vishnu Naidoo said yesterday: "It is still unclear how Gemballa was murdered, but indications are that he was suffocated. He had no visible injuries."

Naidoo said he was "not at liberty to say" if Mpshe pleaded guilty or whether the prosecution struck a deal with him.

When asked why the arrest in such a high-profile murder case was kept so low key, Naidoo said: "We need to protect any investigation, and it would not be to our benefit to talk about some successes for fear of jeopardising investigations.
"We are happy and satisfied that an arrest was made." Booth, chairman of the Criminal Law Committees of the Cape Law Society and the Law Society of South Africa, while not able to comment on this case, said: "It does seem that the police have struck some kind of deal to perhaps take statements and use it later to get to the big fish." National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesman Mthunzi Mhaga said it was not unusual for a criminal case to be disposed of within a day.
Top criminal attorney William Booth said the hastiness of the conviction and sentence sounded most "unusual".
Gemballa, who was in serious financial trouble with the German authorities, evidently came to South Africa on a business trip to set up a local franchise of his company, Gemballa Automobiletechni, which specialises in tuning Porsches and Ferraris for the rich and famous.
"If the person has an attorney (and) witnesses, prosecutors and all the other roleplayers are available, including a judge, the matter can be dealt with within a day.
"This was demonstrated with the World Cup special courts that were set up."

Mhaga said it was commendable that cases could be dealt with so speedily. "If someone is caught red-handed for shoplifting, and if he pleads guilty, and if he has an attorney available, then the case can be finalised in an hour."
But this is also entirely dependent on whether the court roll can accommodate an additional case on the day or not..." Swift justice in murder of German businessman in South Africa m&c-news/southafrica

"...Thabiso Mpshe from Pretoria was arrested Friday and 'quietly' brought before the High Court in Johannesburg and promptly convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison, the newspaper said.
Gemballa, a 54-year-old specialist in customising Porsche and other luxury cars, was reported missing a day after after arriving in Johannesburg on a business trip in early February. His body was found buried in Atteridgeville, west of Pretoria on September 28.
South Africa, a country with a one of the world's highest murder rates of about 46 a day, has a poor track record in solving such crimes quickly..."

killers of Porsche tuner Gemballa convicted should

Perhaps now the international press, which has earned so many articles and papers on the missing Germans, their environment and destiny good money, sometimes loudly and publicly ask what for now is actually really fast behind the treated of criminal case and the fate of Thabiso Mpshe.
we have not forgotten that day in South Africa to the 50 murders on the agenda - and that in most cases black both the victims and the perpetrators are. Explanations can be found many - in the country's history and its current development

And . Yes, however, must be done a lot, also from a clear and fearless reporting by international media. Please not look away.!

Palace of Justice on Church Square - Pretoria, South Africa The Wandering Angel Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Many Women Sitting On Man

A game with the health

antibiotics in cheese

As a sample of the health tip (No. 11, November 2010) points out, 7 of 15 cheeses contained the antibiotic Natamycin.
Coop (Manchego from Spain packed,) and (spicy Provolone, open) at € savings lacked the appropriate declaration.

The antibiotic Natamycin, also under the seemingly harmless name known E 235 is used in medicine to treat fungal infections. Experts fear the development of resistant germs.

by striking often, natamycin in Gouda and Edam (Holland), but also in Manchego (Spain) or Pecorino and Provolone (Italy).

The antibiotic is used, involving a careful maintenance of the cheese is no longer necessary. This saves staff and the cheese is then supplied cheap in Switzerland.

Meticulous care has a price. Too cheap is not only the cheese associated with a risk.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pokémon Battle Revolution Wii Rom

I'm GREEN! Completed

I'm already a month back in Germany, but it seems much longer ago. In this hectic life and land is no time to look back to stop, and sometimes regret.
A day after the return I got sick and was then directly to a camp. And a week later began the new semester, a third compartment (plus extra hours in Greek =)) and hence the stress.

Just last week I came to the last bits out of a suitcase to unpack and a few thoughts consciously to South Africa to send and everything there to miss terribly. Although it is often under stress and the Lernerei seems to be buried, but because the desire and my thoughts go to the dear friends at the other end of the world.
But in many small things, and if only the changing German autumn weather, I will again realized as I still hang between two worlds and is still one place, my place, looking for. In this search I came across the following poem and song lyrics by Switchfoot (a great band by the way =)). If you want to know then, how I am, let the two texts speak for themselves ...

I grew up in Yellowstone Country.
But my parents are Blue.

I'm Blue. Or at
least, that is what they told me.

But I played with the Yellows.
I went to school with the Yellows.

I spoke the Yellow language.
I even dressed and appeared to be Yellow.
Then I moved to the Blue Land.
Now I go to school with the Blues.
I speak the Blue language.
I even dress and look Blue.

But deep down inside me,
something's Yellow.
I love the Blue country,
but my ways are tinted with Yellow.
When I am in Blue Land,
I want to be Yellow.
When I am in Yellow Land,
I want to be Blue.

Why can't I find a place,
where I can be both?
A place where I can be me.
A place where I can be Green.
I just want to be Green.
                                                                   Whitni Thomas

This is Home- Switchfoot

I've got my memories, always inside of me
but I can't go back, back to how it was
I believe it now, come too far

no, I can't go back, back to how it was
Created for a place I've never known

This is home, now I'm finally where I belong
This is home, I've been searching for a place of my own, now I found it
Maybe this is home, this is home

Relief over misery
I've seen the enemy and I wont go back, back to how it was
I got my heart set on what happens next
I got my eyes wide, it's not over yet
We need miracles and we're not alone

And now, after all my searching, after all my questions
I'm gonna call it home
I got a brandnew mindset, I can finally see the sunset
I'm gonna call it home

Come too far and I will not go back, yeah
This is home