Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why Do We Cut The Wedding Cake

The Stone Gate behind the stone gate

Slowly it is a sad tradition: once in every year it comes at the stone gate of Hanover in a murder case - 2009, stabbing in an Arab Society, 2010, the double murder in Columbus, yesterday the incidents in the Stone Gate Road. According to police report a man stormed into a cafe, pulled a gun and shot at a guest, but missed him. This then pulled a gun himself and shot the attacker. An incident like the Wild West, which once again raises the question of how safe it actually is in the Stone Gate neighborhood. Should we ever expect to be here gets into a bar in a shootout?

Not really, at least not if one stays only in the well-known stores. The bars, clubs, restaurants and light district "between the line and the Reuters Scholvinstrasse are what might be called the" new stone gate "mean, if the concept was not already occupied by a building complex on the Münzstrasse. Here we find a largely peaceful party audience to dance and to dance. Even if the operator (as recently seen on TV ) make a rather dubious impression that the clientele is harmless. The few rioters to let off steam here want to make, quick acquaintance with the bouncers and not come back. But this "truce" that includes only a road block.

situation is different once you get into the surrounding streets goes out the "red light gentrification has not yet taken place. A bit out of the area, connecting the most Hanoverian with "stone gate", is dominated by small, filthy pubs, betting shops obscure, Zimmerbodelle and oriental cultural clubs and cafes the scene. Especially the latter initially did not fall into the eye, as they are often hidden in the upper floors. For many visitors to these shops, the three fatal "A" s (poverty, aggression, Alcohol-concentrated) and form the ground for an atmosphere in which it is often to violence. Also legal is by far not all.

This milieu is the partygoers at the Stone Gate largely hidden. Most of the establishments can be seen from the outside to barely as such, the others are still visible but not very inviting. Anyone still here lost, which is often know the mood of social neglect, frustration and repressed aggression, a friend of mine once described this way: "Some people get the feeling that you are looking for a reason to run amok . Sometimes they find one. Of the "normal people" at Stone Gate is all but luckily far away.

Addendum 01/31/2011:
at Stone Gate is the party continues (HAZ)

1: gammateilchen / flickr , 2: FS


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