Thursday, January 6, 2011

Apex North Face Cleaning

Farewell, Malangatana Valente Ngwenya, great son of Africa!

To a new year makes sense, it sometimes needs the reminder. Just before the turn of the year I had the good fortune to come across a special article in the TIME , both living memory and one - allowed after all-hopeful look into the future. And the one who knows in the world, one who has made over the past 50 years a reputation as a philosopher and as a Special Rapporteur of the UN and with Africa is as familiar with his Central European country, Switzerland. Jean Ziegler has his interlocutor Anita Blasberg in the TIME interview entitled "I am a white nigger" not only answers questions about his personal background and his credo, he stands there, a very clear picture of conditions and processes in Africa, the Third World in general and especially in the UN, which he calls "incredibly racist".

This is about people from Africa - to blacks, where a freak of nature has played in their lives bitter. Makes a skin disorder known as albinos in many African countries not only admired outsiders, it makes them potential victims of violence and often even of ritual murders. Now some of these "white nigger" come together to media attention and internationally to make their fate attention and aid to demand, as the WORLD reported to date:
Here is the TIME article on the whole way, see: interview with Jean Ziegler: "I am a white nigger '

Here is the complete WORLD article can be read: albino: White Black fight against deadly prejudices - News Politics - International - WELT ONLINE


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