Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Could Possibly Cause Heavy Dizziness

Hannover Scorpions and the press

for me I can take advantage, critical in the days of the championship euphoria a money for hockey club Hannover Scorpions had to have. A contradiction from the pampas to the city transplanted retort team with almost no fans, audience, revenue and almost all traditional ideals I have of professional sports. However, it could now perhaps be time to break a lance for this team.

background, the media coverage of the club, which had lately a clear thrust: Scorpions break up (Celle newspaper), The Master crumbles (New Press), master Hannover Scorpions breaks (image) , Hanover championship team disintegrates (DPA), stopped upswing Sale proceeds (HNA), Mitchell flies to the eagles (HAZ) - the press seems to be a player sees flight due to financial problems. This has moved Scorpions coach Toni Krinner to contradict himself on the subject to comment and this presumption (from minute 3.35):

can now not of course say whether what he is because of the true But it is at least remarkable that the press only one view of things take place and the other is completely hidden.

via media sports policy

Which Way Should Roller Blinds Face

scenes like in a war

Another discovery from the Treasure Trove Youtube: a long film (one and a half hours) on the Chaos Days 1995 in Hanover, consisting of a former television news and collage of scenes from war movies. In his good moments, the video is even an investigative journalist - you can jump directly to the time it gets delivered 1:20:42 evidence that the then Home Secretary Glogowski has lied on TV, to avoid allegations made against him.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sections Of A Pirate Sh

" Our high-quality journalism "

Some messages are only in contrast with other things really nice. An example: In order to meet
our high standards of journalistic quality, increase the journalistic impact and further the competence of the regional newspapers expand, we will organize our new editorial staff. Our goal is to define and exploit synergies, after careful analysis. We want to improve the editorial quality of our newspapers continue. I expect well-researched and written reports, expert background reporting, incisive reviews, and exclusive news - especially from the regional and local lifestyles of our readers.
The one who has expressed on flying so high, is Herbert spots, Chairman of the Madsack-management, master of HAZ, NP and dozens of other newspapers. For since the quality is buzzing now - including in the videos, which leaves the Madsack Set in its websites. Some in the here from

At this point I would like to put a price question whether this contribution is well marked as advertising? Of course not. But at least you can admit the HAZ videos consequence - among the over one hundred movies under "Auto" is not one that is not obvious advertising (!). Since seems to be a very special form of "journalistic clout and regional competence" to prevail.

And so it all over the nagging is not - actually I like the HAZ. Only when I see something is my sympathy briefly.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why Do We Cut The Wedding Cake

The Stone Gate behind the stone gate

Slowly it is a sad tradition: once in every year it comes at the stone gate of Hanover in a murder case - 2009, stabbing in an Arab Society, 2010, the double murder in Columbus, yesterday the incidents in the Stone Gate Road. According to police report a man stormed into a cafe, pulled a gun and shot at a guest, but missed him. This then pulled a gun himself and shot the attacker. An incident like the Wild West, which once again raises the question of how safe it actually is in the Stone Gate neighborhood. Should we ever expect to be here gets into a bar in a shootout?

Not really, at least not if one stays only in the well-known stores. The bars, clubs, restaurants and light district "between the line and the Reuters Scholvinstrasse are what might be called the" new stone gate "mean, if the concept was not already occupied by a building complex on the Münzstrasse. Here we find a largely peaceful party audience to dance and to dance. Even if the operator (as recently seen on TV ) make a rather dubious impression that the clientele is harmless. The few rioters to let off steam here want to make, quick acquaintance with the bouncers and not come back. But this "truce" that includes only a road block.

situation is different once you get into the surrounding streets goes out the "red light gentrification has not yet taken place. A bit out of the area, connecting the most Hanoverian with "stone gate", is dominated by small, filthy pubs, betting shops obscure, Zimmerbodelle and oriental cultural clubs and cafes the scene. Especially the latter initially did not fall into the eye, as they are often hidden in the upper floors. For many visitors to these shops, the three fatal "A" s (poverty, aggression, Alcohol-concentrated) and form the ground for an atmosphere in which it is often to violence. Also legal is by far not all.

This milieu is the partygoers at the Stone Gate largely hidden. Most of the establishments can be seen from the outside to barely as such, the others are still visible but not very inviting. Anyone still here lost, which is often know the mood of social neglect, frustration and repressed aggression, a friend of mine once described this way: "Some people get the feeling that you are looking for a reason to run amok . Sometimes they find one. Of the "normal people" at Stone Gate is all but luckily far away.

Addendum 01/31/2011:
at Stone Gate is the party continues (HAZ)

1: gammateilchen / flickr , 2: FS

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ring Worm In Chickens

Members Watch for Lower

As can be seen , provides the online platform deputies Watch now also contacted members of the Lower Saxony state parliament in . Although the service is activated only been this week, he is not entirely new - even for the last state election, there was a test phase. The questions and answers from this time are still visible. Anyone who wants can now offer its members new questions, or (much more commonplace) to see who replaces him as ever. In Hanover, are the these ladies and gentlemen:
From Prominent is completely unknown to all there. That no FDP politician from Hanover, is among them is the way, no coincidence - the Liberals have not deem it necessary to give someone from the state capital a promising list position.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Long Off Work Tonsillitis

I'm Hanover, gets me out of here bye

For all those who have upset already about the Rant the night watchman, it is now very hard: the bat and the moderator of the bremer local television pull her over Hanover:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hp White Spots On Screen

Hanno Linked XLVII

Off lack of time today, only a short Hanno Linked:

NDR : Process to start throwing stones at Jews

Süddeutsche Zeitung : Report from the Stone Gate-Mordprozes

TAZ : Forward to the far

Hanover Shots : Between Empty

Kreiszeitung Syke : The future of poultry in Lower Saxony uncertain

Subway : Timm Ulrichs in conversation

HAZ : Hanover should be green

image Hanover : sleazy-City

Hanover police : breaks man in brewery and steals Sixpack

Sat1 : The tip-Streit of Hanover writes legal history

Hannover Find : 43-year-old comes over bank twice without success

Berliner Zeitung : construction work hamper rail traffic Berlin - Hannover

Flickr / ribizlifozelek : Hanover Street

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Icesto Italiano Gratis

53 seconds per operation

of the week beginning a recommendation: the dioxin report from the Today Show last Friday. [Click here to Library ]
It is interesting mainly from minute 08:52. Beautiful is visualized here explained why the checks in Lower Saxony can not work at all - for 130,000 farms across the state are only twelve inspectors responsible. This is almost are not checked already guaranteed to.

Screenshot: YouTube

Why Do I Hiccup More Than Others Do

Bye, investor model

Even before it really gets going, the entire City 2020 Hanover process into question. Obviously, the city has trouble finding investors who want to promote the urban development of their sense. Very nice is to see that the moment at the school on the high bank, that ugly concrete block , which really should be gone for years.

After Hochtief has abandoned its commitment in 2010 because of differences with the city and in the seven years before that jumped all investors, it seems that no other project developers have moved to who was willing to build here in the context of the benchmarks. The school will therefore remain in all their vileness and future they will host the VHS, as the OB this week announced . If, however, are already best for this situation no one can - how is this to be another first in the field?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tatouage Genital Female

Old home vs. new home (reloaded)

Sometimes lose, sometimes you win. For me as an old exile Schalke today's victory of royal blue S04 is of course something beautiful. This should not only see me so, but these gentlemen with whom I sat on the train today:

Schalke-Fans in Hannover from Frontbumpersticker on Vimeo .

Then I'm on my last bumbi!

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Long For Results With Zumba


Malangatana Valente Ngwenya 1936 - 2011 / photo, thank you! Janeiro 2010 yesterday lost one of its greatest sons, Mozambique and Africa, a world famous, highly acclaimed artists of the Modern Arts: Malangatana Valente Ngwenya died on Wednesday morning in Portugal at the age of 74, as it is, after a severe cold. In Portugal, the colonial "mother country" of Mozambique, the painter had lived since about two months, it is officially against forgeries of his works to proceed. In October, a woman had been arrested for allegedly forged 20 of his works. Malangatana had spent the Christmas holidays at the house of his daughter in the hospital where he was moved when his illness worsened.

at work / photo, thank you! Endorsing - Marxa - Picasa Web Albums The boy, should be the one to the gefeiersten sons of his country, was born in 1936 in a village near the capital Maputo, the son of a miner who had to work hard for the money for his family in the gold mines of South Africa. When the mother became seriously ill, had to pull the boy to an uncle, where he led the school only to able to attend the third class. As a teenager, he earned little as a ball boy to imTennisclub but soon discovered very different capabilities in themselves photo, thank you.! artafrica Malangatana could be - following the example of an aunt - first trained as a traditional healer, but his love for painting, to sculpture and ceramics forms prevailed. He turned to all the fine arts theater and played, played music and wrote poetry - but he never put in all these artistic excursions throughout the brush out of hand - especially when he was a man from the Tennis Club a dedicated mentor. Three Figures / photo, thank you! Michael Stevenson - 'Take your road and travel along' 1960, Malangatanas first exhibition takes place in 1963 published his first poems, which soon were also included in the collection Modern Poetry from Africa ". "Malangatana Valente Ngwenya": Key Phrase page
A selection of his poetic work here:
But the young poet was because of his sympathy for the liberation movement Frelimo difficulties with the colonial rulers had to serve 18 months in prison, until he opened an art scholarship from the road to freedom and to Portugal. After the end of colonial rule was the young artist returned to his native land where he now openly politically active, and soon became an icon of modern Mozambique in the world.

photo, thank you: In Germany Malangatana has many friends. One is the painter Harald Heinke
Junho 2010 - Estou NA SESTA
, who has worked for many years with the Mozambicans.
photo, thank you: - O Povo que não se cala ... / Malangatana Valente Ngwenya - MOÇAMBIQUE have

That Malangatanas work a greater awareness in Africa and South America, Portugal and Brazil, may be associated with the language, but also internationally won the painter from Mozambique highly recognized and received many awards as a representative of Modern Art, his works are permanently exhibited in Washington DC and Others (
National Museum of African Art

, and in South America, a documentary film about his work.

movie poster for the film by Isabel Noronha / photo, thank you! meu blog na web: Abril 2009
1997, he became a UNESCO "Artist of Peace" appointed.
said in a speech UNESCO Director General Frederico Mayor of Malangatana: "He is much more than a creator, much more than an artist - someone who Demonstrates that there is a universal language, the language of art, Which Allows us to communicate a message of peace, of refusal of war. ".

The Farewell / Foto, Danke!: Michael Stevenson - 'Take your road and travel along'
Farewell, Malangatana Valente Ngwenya!
The Art Inquirer: Mozambican Painter Malangatana Died With 74 Years of Age Club Of Mozambique - Mozambique Biggest English Portal Malangatana Ngwenya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mozambique: Government Promises Dignified Funeral for Malangatana  
Mozambique: start Nation's Greatest Painter Laid to Rest in Matalana

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Apex North Face Cleaning

Farewell, Malangatana Valente Ngwenya, great son of Africa!

To a new year makes sense, it sometimes needs the reminder. Just before the turn of the year I had the good fortune to come across a special article in the TIME , both living memory and one - allowed after all-hopeful look into the future.
And the one who knows in the world, one who has made over the past 50 years a reputation as a philosopher and as a Special Rapporteur of the UN and with Africa is as familiar with his Central European country, Switzerland. Jean Ziegler has his interlocutor Anita Blasberg in the TIME interview entitled "I am a white nigger" not only answers questions about his personal background and his credo, he stands there, a very clear picture of conditions and processes in Africa, the Third World in general and especially in the UN, which he calls "incredibly racist".

This is about people from Africa - to blacks, where a freak of nature has played in their lives bitter. Makes a skin disorder known as albinos in many African countries not only admired outsiders, it makes them potential victims of violence and often even of ritual murders. Now some of these "white nigger" come together to media attention and internationally to make their fate attention and aid to demand, as the WORLD reported to date:
Here is the TIME article on the whole way, see: interview with Jean Ziegler: "I am a white nigger '

Here is the complete WORLD article can be read: albino: White Black fight against deadly prejudices - News Politics - International - WELT ONLINE


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Desi Wedding Card Wording Funny

stories of white negroes


One of the first who could make more international attention to himself and his music, Fela Kuti was back in the 1970's a young man from Nigeria, who soon gave the nickname "King of Afro Beat" received. But Fela Kuti had another big concern: He sat down again and again against injustice in his country, fought with his music against the military government of Nigeria and therefore ultimately spent more than two years in prison
1997 Fela Kuti died of AIDS, but his voice is is far from silent. Not only that his music is still loved around the world, his son Femi has followed his father as an exceptional musician and as a person, which works with all the strength of his continent. German reported in a recent article on Femi Kuti, his career and his deep commitment to Africa:

Femi Kuti is fighting for Africa

Femi Kuti - Live at the Shrine: Femi Kuti, Raphael Frydman: DVD & Blu-ray
Fela Kuti - Music is the Weapon (Musique Au Poing): Fela Kuti, Stephane Tchal-Gadjieff, Jean-Jacques Flori: DVD & Blu-ray

Femi Kuti - Live at the Shrine: Femi Kuti, Raphael Frydman: DVD & Blu-ray