Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Retractable Cabinet Hinge

Katha alone @ Tübingen

come here now so the first reports of Katha in Tübingen. And for all the grieving mothers and aunts and grandmothers and other older female readers =): I'm fine!

Seriously, I can not complain really. The WG is great and with the people I get along well. They are all more experienced semester and I have really helped get started, give away the tricks and tips to survive university library and cafeteria, etc.. Frequently we see discussions about politics and other topics or jointly House MD. However, it is only for a sublease and so is probably soon to search for a (hopefully permanent) place to go again.
But there is good news: By accident I found out that living in the city, three other MKs and the first meeting was a fireworks of ideas. So the idea was born to build a network to make freshly returned MKs get used to living in a practical way easier. And establish the plan, MK-WG, haunts both in the mind, one can So be curious ...=)

But now to the study: In the beginning it was really strange to now be a student, albeit a nice Ungewohntsein .=) The first fight was to put together his schedule, which last for several hours can until you have met all expectations and there is no event overlaps. Then you have to wait and see if it is approved and if not, the game starts all over again! I can not complain though, I came to wish all the courses in and up to now are the great.

A few impressions:
- I'm in a seminar on ancient history and of course, Latin is required. In every meeting I could ohrefeigen me, then banned all documents to have! Many a concept still tells me something, but for most sets, I understand only station. Bright spot: None of the 35's it different from other students and Prof understands ...
- due to still unknown causes have been lifted this semester, in philology the NCs with the result that now sit 700 instead of 400 students in an English lecture. This will entail considerable administrative difficulties and we are frequently victims of this lack of planning. But with video transmission and protest occupations auditorium, the students are now trying to become master the situation, end: open!
- my timetable is actually quite empty and you might think: these lazy students! But this is only now coming to light, the unlisted extra work. 50 pages of reading, lectures, homework, etc. Since self-discipline and asked a good time management.
- the adventure "cafeteria food," I have also tried it already and can say that it is not so bad, it looks worse than it is, since there is no disc in Tübingen, but trays with holes in it .=) But it is the cheapest way to get what decent in the stomach. Although I also like to cook and try out. Calculating the correct amount of money and the division still needs time ...

By the by my report is still positive. Community-wise, I'm still looking and visit all sorts of directions and sizes. I really hope that I find the place where I fit well with my gifts!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Anemia

Time to say goodbye ....

... it was the first to last weekend. There was again MK-Arts and the above title was the theme of the weekend. After a year absence, it was for me to part again already coming home to meet old friends again, rumscherzen again, be with the staff in the team, feel understood .... my departure from South Africa is also still quite fresh, and so could I take for myself what. It was also nice to meet many new and interesting people. Krass, where people have been and what they have experienced, which is always so ne enrichment!

fits ... even to this day, my move to Tübingen. For me it was quite strange to make something new again. What should I take? If the old home somehow still home? How will it all be studying and that? For all
still "unenlightened" =): I have, despite many good offers now decided to Tübingen, where I in mid-October high school English teacher and will study history. Until now, there is much paperwork and I have much of themselves do not know. But the people in my brand new flat are very nice and academic experience. So I have good and helpful people, which I very am grateful. Otherwise, I just
trying to remove my bags and stow everything fits. Slowly it is comfortable and I'm looking forward too it. The next "Katha lives alone" - follow adventure ...=)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Canyon Combination Lock Lost Combination

"special case" Polanski

How shows the log of the abuse , it is not the slightest regard for consensual sex, like Polanski, the ignorant fans and admirers "faked. According to protocol, he tried the 13-year-old structure with alcohol and his position of power to make.
This is obviously one of the worst forms of sexual abuse. One form that has on the victim extreme psychological effects, as any child protection organization can confirm details.

But what happens among the celebrities, the modern hero?
outrage opens up!
you get the feeling, self-image, generated by their social position as an artist or artist would have had a dramatic negative effect on their common sense. Instead of publicly confessing to the fact that you are not a demigod, as an artist who is above the law, put them on cloud nine right Hinträumenden a campaign in motion, with the sole aim to protect a child abuser before the law.
(See view article )
If stars and artists such as the opinion of the "ordinary" people would feel honored if he is abused by them?

Hey, artists and hopefully not would-be demi-gods (who are above the law), wake up! Take your exercise your responsibilities to the society! Or would you just - as the bankers have demonstrated - to exploit the society and benefit from it in every possible (even illegal) way? Will you use your real name and reputation for to protect a child abuser before the law?

Use it to check out your mind before you for jogging in a collective howl!

addendum to the program "Arena" (2:10:09): Rolf Lyssy
influenced entirely by the autobiography of the offender argues, in a way that you would like to throw up. Height of his pseudo-arguments: The 13-year-old victim of the offender has seduced. "Moreover, should not be considered separately from his art in an artist the person," added Lyssy.
"Mr. Lyssy and like-minded people, please shut up, it is just pathetic, as a child molester make the victim do! "

Mr Blocher, former Federal would have even made the favored guilty and warned the perpetrators, as he publicly expressed his ignorance .

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fluorescent Colour Bangalore

Good old Germany

2 months ago today I left the beautiful South Africa and since then I try again to find in Germany deal .=) After I've noticed in South Africa I'm German and thought now was the realization that I did change something and give me some things are strange or new.

The first weeks I had already jammed frequently, what's here, and have enjoyed it too. On the first night back in the shower are (in ZA you had in the absence hinkauern shower curtain), let the water in an almost hard jet to be raining down-without worrying that the tank is empty or equal to the water is cold. You do not have three hours before turn on the boiler and can enjoy as long as you want.
I was also amazed at how quickly you get used to very small things. I have always cut at the beginning against the wall when I was about to light the light because the light switch in ZA are much higher than at home.

Another chapter would be there to drive. The first day I was very confused and thought my parents driving on the wrong side, especially when turning. When I then just sat in the car, was I have often inclined to the left to serve or wrong way to ride in the roundabout. My sister got me caring but kept by more or less friendly cheers on the right side ...=) Also one must therefore accept that there are rules of the road really. So pass on the highway is not right, do not drive too fast and stuff. That is even harder ... But it is so slow, I assume, at least on .=)

What I miss, or otherwise experience:
- in the supermarket, there are no 20 different Chipswürzungen
- I miss: sweet chilli sauce the boards on the sand slopes with 34-year-old Mercedes Benz, my teens, the daily routine, the Trekker in Woodhouse, Simba and Munashe that every morning, "Hello Kathy, how ru?" Kimberley laughter
- getting used to again is the community of Worship in the seats, the many new people and not be informed

But it is nice to back here, many people have to be made again and am curious what the next few weeks bring so!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Front Office Small Organizational Chart

really comes after a long silence here are the first greeting from home. For a few weeks I am back in Germany and I have to get used again because of having unlimited internet ...=)

Thank you for all that you've seen the thing on a regular basis and perhaps sometimes annoying wait when there's nothing new there. I'm sorry if I have written so often, which was definitely not lack of information, because there were more than enough to tell. Often I forget it's me, in the many adventures almost went down or the Internet was once again acknowledged his services for us.

I must say farewell to me was really hard. Without being conscious decision, were the ties with some people become really close and only now, when walking, I noticed that really. Especially with the teens I'm sorry, they now let alone again and I hope to grow that they will continue to have strong personalities and faith! Fortunately
I really come to a successful conclusion. The year was in many ways also have been challenging and it's good to talk about it with the heads, to tell them what I was annoyed over the year, where they may want to change things, but this was also good.

me it has also surprised at how much I've grown to love the people that came especially for my farewell party to bear. My teens have I acted out in plays and reveals little quirks, many thanked me for the music at camps or prayer evenings. The other trekkers have even written a musical about and for me! I would not really expect all those things and was so touched and amazed all the more. On the night my heart was therefore even more difficult.

many ultra creative contributions to my farewell party

The next surprise came the next morning in the town, where a party had also organized! I was only once a week there and did not know many of the people, but everyone was still there, what has brought-simply beautiful! They have sent me back out for Germany and I was really floored!

with Lizelle and Andrew, the worship leaders of the church where I play for a year and could learn a lot

And when I then one thing at a the other packed in the suitcase, I had to leave so many here and the room was always empty, even the melancholy and came away some tears. The year was simply unforgettable!

was already a few days later, the serious business. Everything was packed to leave the room scary and we were off to the airport. When I embraced all, I had the thought: When will I see again the people? Some probably not so fast ...

with the other trekkers (left to right): Sebastian, Raquel, I Mariale and Magnus-Dream Team!

I was very happy that my Star Girl (my dance group) were allowed to the airport. You've never seen the inside of an airport. Sorry We had not much time for sightseeing because I had luggage problems. There were still huge ne distribution campaign to get rid of a few kilos. In the end everything went well and I was let through.

tears at parting

The flight itself was okay, but not again. I had a long stay in Abu Dhabi, but this time there was not a hotel, but the hard ground and an ultra-cold air conditioning. Despite winter jacket and gloves I geschlottert ...=) So I was happy, after many hours in the air at last to arrive in Frankfurt.
The whole time I felt like in the movie and stood next to me. I could not even realize what just happened with me and would To say that I've really done until 2 weeks ago. Still, it was nice to see again my parents and the other great people that welcomed me.

The first weeks at home were also influenced by stress. But rewarding experiences, such as seeing friends and family again or return to sleep in your own bed. Now I have to again get used to living in Germany and South Africa not only to grieve afterwards, which is not so simple.
over what was still as usual, and come the next time.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

How Long Will It Take To Treat Ringworm

Update from Germany shortly before the explosion

Well, as an anonymous commentator was so right: it is July and I have long heard nothing from me.
Is this due to several things: I was and am still very busy and have too many things in my head. If I could write that would be a huge epistle, it's just too much!
The other problem is that Internet bush. For many years it did not work, now we have such a small limit that you can do almost anything. So no pictures or something.

But soon then one probably more so because it is for me back home. Just imagine, I put in full work and can not imagine that anything to leave in three weeks. The people are very dear to my heart and not just teens, but friends. My feelings were
roller coaster, i have to think too many things and take leave from her forgive your silence!

Be still loving greetings and soon face2face!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Can U Freeze Pasturised Milk

Does one have to understand a rapist?

Mr. Dominique Strebel Editor, the "observer", courting for a criminal law that deals against rapists very mild, especially if it is the ex-husband or ex-boyfriend is he writes.
" Then the people may understand why a rapist, disregard of the separation phase No his partner, and drink and still enforces the sexual intercourse, it also comes with a conditional sentence, while a rapist who obtained his victim out of the bush, usually three years in prison necessarily moves. "(No. 12 Observer, 12 June 2009 )

What they think why should just the ex-boyfriend received a lighter sentence than the ordinary rapist

Some of my arguments for a lighter sentence??

1 ) We need men to learn that rape is under no also some minor offense that deserves only a conditional sentence. There is no rational reason that the scope of such violence in any As may diminish. Also alcohol consumption is no excuse. Who wants to defend his alcohol consumption should better avoid alcohol.
The law trust a man so also, he noted that even when he drank too much and should not drive a car.

2) For the psyche of a woman being raped by the former perhaps even worse than by a stranger. Violence by someone who loved you and we may perhaps still good and it also looks familiar, totally devastating for confidence in the ability.
Our relationships, both familial and societal reasons, but on trust. No one knows exactly how long after Time this woman another man can be trusted again by heart and thus the ability to relate properly again.

3) I am convinced that a man can only be truly satisfied when the woman's sexual union as well as enjoy it. Violent to be to see the pain and panic in the face of the woman and still be sexually attracted to (even alcohol), which I find really sick. Anyone capable of such deeds is to be simply treated in a mental institution, because it constitutes a potential danger. Also, for the benefit of the offender should be treated the joy of violence.

4) Finally, include the deterrence. A man who knows that he at least 3 Years goes to prison, will think twice about whether to observe the "no woman or whether he prefers to believe his cock-controlled (the wrong) wants to hear interpretations of certain signals that he see or hear.

why I personally have no understanding of the judgments of certain judges, the pay of the offender being more respectful than the victim, and therefore have no understanding of the observer at the expense of abused women vying for such judgments to understand. For with truth and justice, this has absolutely nothing to do, only with male superiority delusion.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Mother Masterbates Me


I'm actually related to even more against the habit that you have a motto that determines everything, for there the right time? In addition, her life will change often and therefore probably also the motto. Perhaps
seems like a way of life. This can always just bring bad at one point. But as I so recently heard music, I discovered a song that has challenged me and addressed.
And the chorus could be but actually as a life motto / adjust - see .=) Not easy, but that was ich will.
Wer ist mit mir?

Living for your glory- Tim Hughes

What good is it to gain the whole world, but lose your soul?
What good is it to make a sweet sound, but remain proud?
In view of God’s mercy, I offer my all

And take my life, let it be everything, all of me
Here I am, use me for Your glory
In everything I say and do, let my life honor You
Here I am living for Your glory

The road I’m on that leads nowhere without You
And the life I live that finds meaning and surrender
In view of God’s mercy, I offer my all

Seeking first the Kingdom
Seeking first the Kingdom of my Lord

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Getting Dragon In Poptropica

Photos from Paradise

For those who read the newsletter or will read: Here are the promised pictures.
For all others: Immediately after the Teen Camp for me were announced three weeks Cape Town and it was absolutely brilliant! Great people, great scenery and just a dream! See for yourself ..

such a beautiful place on earth!

V & A Waterfront, our main food court at night =)

sunset in my hand

Rachel and I send greetings!

the southernmost lighthouse Africa

and downtown across the Table Mountain

: mixed old and new

moonscape on the Cape Peninsula

vineyards around it

the short term workers on the WEC conference

at Cape Point

sweet score Along the way ...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Instruction Manual For Pulse Tajima Dg/ml

Au grief!

I must say, this blog really does not seem to be very attractive since the author will update rarely, if ever ...=) real sorry was very busy, then on holiday and so from time to disappears and the Internet for a couple of weeks.

Anyway, the usual procedure so you know, the schools and clubs. But there is another report:
was the week before Easter Teenage camp again. Who was ill-prepared or unexpectant was really surprised (and I feel addressed ...=)). This time, many teens from our club and it was cool that even know each other better.

My small group really great people!

I've even told by one boy in the kids camp. He was now back and it is a pleasure to him "grow" to see!

our stern Time Keeper Sebastian (despite the German unit of time was often too late ...=))

The theme was "Take care of your heart (your heart to pass on) and we have many new insights and healing experience. Many come from broken families with alcohol abuse, no father, etc.

But there was also another program ...

challenging games in which the cohesion of the group was tested

Saving Silverman in a photo story

action was particularly the last evening, we had an international night. The teens learned about the home countries of the employees and some typical country-trained in order to present it to the others then. Germany stood for apple turnovers and rolled at the start. The effect of the energetic Africans, of course, totally stiff ...=)

African-German waltz

also an experience were the nights. First of all ruhigzukriegen teens and then to prevent that they get up in the morning at 4, abkriegen to some hot water ...=) But we had fun, too.

Kgomotso, who was always cold and therefore continued to sleep in my bed, as soon as I got up ...=) ne

It was very blessed time and strangely enough I was then not only ready, but true! And if you then immediately goes on holiday ....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How To Stop Yorkshire Puddings From Sticking

rain, rain, rain!

comes after a long pause here again send an update. This was partly due to the bad internet connection, to too much work or any computer, as my faithful companion has unfortunately given up his services and I am still waiting for a replacement.

What's new? Since the last entry is already some time ago. After my return from Durban, I had a few free days on the farm. We have used the time and went into a national park nearby, which was really nice. We got stuck in the middle of the park and had no more petrol, but it was an adventure and we had fun, we will not soon forget ...=)

animals up close in the National Park began

The new year of work then with a team week where all Lighthouse employees
from Zimbabwe and Mozambique also came together and thought about the goals and ideas for the new year. And there were new spiritual input and encouragement have brought me personal real deal.
And then It really started again. Was great to see the kids after the long break! The cheered with joy and it's fun again to go to school. Also in the clubs, it is good in the one now many teens who come regularly, which is very nice. Soon I will be even more involved in the Star Girls, the dance group.

January was rained out completely. Even the South Africans have said so much rain they have never seen in a month! And the roads were too adventurous drive accordingly when flowing streams and you can get stuck easily. And then you have no great jeep, but a white Mercedes Benz ...=)

the roads were very slippery and we pray that you will not get stuck ...

front of our house there was a huge house, the house next door was totally cut off and they had to use an improvised bridge. But the fun still prevails and this is the most important thing! A lake-front of the house!

In the next few weeks here a lot going on, too many changes. I had last week to say goodbye to Andrea, who goes back to Switzerland. Pieter and changes the ministry. Next week will also return to Germany and so Denise is the previous household totally changed at once. There are new People to whom You have to get used first. I hope I cope the good! Then
is a large mission conference, where we make the children's program, I'm curious to see how it is.

So let's do our hands full again. I hope you are well and it does not freeze too much, otherwise I'll send you some rays of sun ...=)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Replacement Bulbs For Ikea Stranne Lamp

raped woman is condemned by Saudi court

A woman is raped first and then sentenced to 200 lashes and 6 months imprisonment.

This case law comes from the Sharia, a Christian Giordano (see previous item) part would be valid in Switzerland for Muslims!

Read the article on PI (German) or the FOXNews (English) .

Just pure insanity!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Breakthroughs Bell's Palsy

intellectual delusion

The Freiburg Professor Christian Giordano would be in Switzerland are part of the Sharia for Muslims, as reported 20min.

A woman shows understanding
The teaching in Zurich Muslim political scientist Elham Manea says to include: Who
signaling the Muslims that the Swiss legal system is not compatible with their faith was his own, scarcely to represent the Muslims here.

pity that such clear thinking is frowned upon these days almost.


NZZ Online:.. "As a process expert, he knew that were related to the Albanian blood feud quasi-official mediator These are comparable to a magistrate Giordano suggested also that in Switzerland existed Sharia courts which, however, fall outside any control. "

Mr. Giordano, she really want to legalize the laws of criminals by an ancient Courts get new life?
And where does this? When the mafia protection money-extortion?

If there are illegal sharia courts, you have to find them and bring those responsible to our courts. For this purpose, pays any Swiss taxes, that our police are paid.

you, Christian Giordano, plead for liberalism, which will ultimately destroy all liberals, that has formed in the last 160 years in Switzerland, adding they want to create for each "sect" has its own legal space (read: legal freedom of action who violate our laws)!

All NZZ article

Monday, January 5, 2009

How To Peak A Cobra 148?

calm before the storm

Denise and I could not just leave it ...=)

come here fresh (and probably the last) holiday greetings from Durban. Time passes so quickly and next week it goes back to the Light House.
While you have certainly frozen on New Year's, It was pretty warm here, though rainy. I had built up outside some stations, which are then absorbed into the rain ...=)

We were really some people from all countries, so we had a great program to reduce waiting time. There were songs from Korea, Brazil and Zimbabwe, dances from Fiji and South Africa and an international play. It was really nice and you got to know the culture better. Shortly before 12, we drove up the mountain to admire the fireworks over the city. Unfortunately this was not so productive, but beautiful. I had to stay up more then an hour, for New Year's Day in Germany was only an hour later ...=)

is otherwise still day here relaxing and holidays. At last the weather is better and we are every day at the beach. It feels so good to do once what you want or simply nothing ...=) The sea is incredibly beautiful and the waves are high, even almost on the beach. So perfect for surfing, or stop to it all are (swimming is just not on) and the waves break over a can. They have real power and it is either driven out or washed onto the beach. We are now so many that the car is running and then the surfboard ... But here goes!

six people and surfboard in a small Toyoto-no problem!

Next week it's back and we still have one week free before we start with a team week in the new year. There are a few things to be discussed, which is important for the work 2009th
Next time, then De Wildt, now I need to relax more ...=)