Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Anemia

Time to say goodbye ....

... it was the first to last weekend. There was again MK-Arts and the above title was the theme of the weekend. After a year absence, it was for me to part again already coming home to meet old friends again, rumscherzen again, be with the staff in the team, feel understood .... my departure from South Africa is also still quite fresh, and so could I take for myself what. It was also nice to meet many new and interesting people. Krass, where people have been and what they have experienced, which is always so ne enrichment!

fits ... even to this day, my move to Tübingen. For me it was quite strange to make something new again. What should I take? If the old home somehow still home? How will it all be studying and that? For all
still "unenlightened" =): I have, despite many good offers now decided to Tübingen, where I in mid-October high school English teacher and will study history. Until now, there is much paperwork and I have much of themselves do not know. But the people in my brand new flat are very nice and academic experience. So I have good and helpful people, which I very am grateful. Otherwise, I just
trying to remove my bags and stow everything fits. Slowly it is comfortable and I'm looking forward too it. The next "Katha lives alone" - follow adventure ...=)


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