Monday, December 29, 2008

Sms Alerts To Friends Regarding New Born Babies

fanatics on the rise

About 900 rockets were fired since November '08 by fanatical Palestinians to Israel. The expected response is now entered.

As with the story with the cartoons, one finds again organized Muslims around screaming in the streets on how London shows.
But why these fanatics do not protest against the cowardly missile Schiesser, hiding in Palestinian residential areas and take into account in this way, dead children, women and other civilians? Why this is cowardly, despicable tactic accepted tacitly, as if history had not shown that the Israelis themselves from this cowardly tactic not be deterred from protecting its own people? Why they remain silent when such cowards destroying any possibility for peace or at least a constructive dialogue?

never see this one organized protest against cowardly Muslims rocket launchers, suicide bombers, bombers and peace preventer! Why not?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Driver Dsl 200 Time Vista Install

Merry Christmas!

Although a bit late, but from my heart I wish you all that you had a Merry Christmas and hopefully good and blessed the new 2009 starts!

But it has a benefit: So I can at least tell you how my Christmas looked like this:
I'm just pure again in Durban, leave! This time the weather is better and I have much time for sleeping, doing nothing to read, write emails, simply brilliant! Here is Sebastian, another trekker from Germany, who would later come to Lighthouse. An odd bird from East Germany, but ultra funny ...=)

I must say that I was a bit homesick and I missed all the Christmas traditions. No Christmas market, no cold wind, no sound or favorite winter coat ... particularly on 24 It was funny. Here we celebrate a day later, so was the Christmas Eve nothing special. I then phoned home and was able to Skype a bit part in their feeling of sitting under the tree to sing songs ... There are no decorations, no tree, no candles, nothing! That was funny!

Here everything is just in the summer and very happy. On Christmas morning, it was called then get up early, we went to church. Ezra (here the TREK-coordinators) have come in with their community pretty big and almost all Indians. But very lively and everyone was happy. In the songs and the speeches you could feel the Christmas joy literally!

service in the Indian community was

After three and a half hours and countless "Merry Christmas" wishes, then go home and we had a big braai. The family of Ruth was there and we met many new faces. The kids have spent Christmas in the pool ... But who has to ! Christmas spare ribs and hot weather =)

the guys at barbecues

Yes, it was Christmas: different but beautiful. So I send all best wishes from us all crazy chickens (and roosters =)) on the equator and wish you a good time!

our two crazy cocks and Pieter Sebastian =)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Can You Have Syphilis In The Gums?

Just fantastic!

Although certainly Uganda "the pearl of Africa" is =), I must admit that South Africa is definitely close behind! Today the country has once again demonstrated.
We have indeed now free and we use the Time to sleep at a time until early in the morning to watch series or to make just anything.
Today we explored a bit around and drove to Hartbeesport, a place about 15 minutes, where my community is. You take a short time and then feel like in Italy on Lake Garda!

the künstlcihe Reservoir still beautiful!

a small town, total iyllisch, on the one side stand the high mountains, on the other side is the artificial reservoir and the dam. And I just stood and had to marvel at the beautiful Schöfpung!

It's really beautiful and it is very worthwhile to be here =) Unfortunately, the whole area has been privatized (something like Nature Reserve, South Africans do not know) and so could not be to the water, but even the view from the bridge was worth it.

with Simba and Munashe (Team Kids) against a breathtaking backdrop

holiday season also means more: It's braai time! Braai is the Afrikaans word for barbecue and love the people here about everything and everywhere you can see the smoke and groups to sit together. What are we to sit in the heat by the indoor Christmas tree (which it is not here anyway =))? But rather then invite friends and have a nice evening. And it makes really fun and you are often invited.

is first stirred up strong Feuerle =)

Traditionally, there are the Bure Wors, a kind of meat with a spice that is not so much my case .=) Or, of course, huge pieces of meat and spare ribs, for the I already have more then ... the Bure Wors (or should I rather say worm? =))

For us there but also outside of the holiday fun and sometimes we come to stupid ideas, as evidenced by the following photos ...=)

Denise and Manuel at our Christmas party

When it is hot, you have to provide remedial and cucumbers do just great!

Welcome to the crazy farm!

We were at a wedding and Pieter has waited too long for the food, he took the stuff that's there ...=)

We also have Santa Claus (or even Santa Denise =))

So, now I will continue to chill, have fun in cold Germany, and his jealous ...=)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

How Is International Colour Chart Used

A week full of VIPs

The whole last week was of little sleep, marked a lot of action and a full site, we had our kids camp and about 30 kids were there. Just the organization was legally African: We have veteilt the invitations in our clubs and schools, but ultimately we did not know how many children are actually for now, no one had previously signed.

The VIPs, a cool band!
So then pray and hope on Monday and announced, as were the kids, and ultimately were the 30 really ne good group. Our theme was all VIP Very Important Persons. In the morning we always had biblelesson one where we had a Bible story and then have transferred into the lives of kids. It was really interesting how important kids are in the Bible, such as Josiah and Rhoda!
day we had different program points. Since it is summer, yes, we wanted to inaugurate our new pool. If it would give him for .=) The builders were too late so there was no pool. To cool the kids in the heat won something, we have come up spontaneously a few water features, like a big water slide or just ne simple water fight. And the kids loved it. The heads were always full and we were here on a regular basis as the first wet ...=)

the water slide at all was popular!

highlights were firstly, the workshops on Wednesday afternoon. We have made various things together. I have painted with some kids our old bus, which was really a lot of fun! Others have ne hammock constructed, baked or crafted musical instruments. They were really creative, and our praise then very colorful!

our bus painted

A ground game may be missing and we never large area also lends itself naturally. The kids spent the whole afternoon on the road and had to find different pieces, they found me, the poor victims of abduction .=)
Yesterday was our final evening, and we had a concert. The groups and individual people have prepared and what we could only marvel at what was there all! Songs and poems, and dances and plays awesome ...-!

was general, it really a blessed time and I have it very much. I was surprised to full, how open the kids were and I could have good conversations. We have also seen time and again how the devil uses the children to disrupt our work, that's really scary! Pray that the kids come home changed anyway!
We slept in them and that was an adventure: it was too little space and so have the kids more than I slept on my side ... And of course they find long hair (the hair is not art) really great. Thus städnig us rumfrisiert or just touched was really funny!

geschlaucht Nevertheless, quite a week and I need time alone. In addition I have now sufficiently Opportunity, there are summer holidays and we have free until 19 January. I will go and work up all that are left, and then drive to Durban to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve on the beach ...=)

Best wishes to the snowy Germany (it has the way, 29 ° C =))!