Thursday, November 15, 2007

Showing Penis On Bus Train

Blocher let bombard themselves with tasers?

Mr Blocher, if they claim such, they should also supply the corresponding video. :-)

I doubt that is strong, that they would volunteer Shelling of a Taser could, where its use is still very controversial and dangerous. Are you a billionaire who puts his life in frivolous play? They were so truly unique.

But let the facts:

first satellite was today 1 (News, 18.30 clock) the video of a tourist from Canada who happens filmed the use of Tasers. The person concerned is the way he died is the 16th Victim of a Taser use in Canada, from the danger of the manufacturer and they too, Sir are convinced.

I ask you, what is their opinion really worth, especially in light of 16 dead alone in Canada and 300 dead in the U.S.?
Obviously one opinion among many, not the research before making false claims with conviction in the room.

More info:
- Detailed information on the Taser, which is used against children.
- Canadian Police kill Polish immigrants with electric shocks - already 16 deaths in Canada and 300 deaths in the United States.


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