Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Can You Make Cake In A Baking Tray

racial discrimination is dependent dresses

Although they have beaten several foreigners must acquit the Lucerne High Court two neo-Nazis from the claim of racial discrimination. The Federal Court considers their actions no racial discrimination, because the two perpetrators for third parties have only a few feet away were no longer recognizable as neo-Nazis .

According to the Federal Court's reasoning was therefore not a Nazi Hitler because he was not wearing brown shirts? Deportations and killing millions in gas chambers was therefore no racial discrimination?

Each neo-Nazi who still left a gram of brain has is to let his hair grow a bit in the future, a fashionable dress jacket, etc., then he can dozens of foreigners, such as blacks beat up so brutally. In due time he will be acquitted by the federal court of charges of racial discrimination, because his clothes do not look at what's for garbage in his head.

Since when, dear federal judge, is racial discrimination against the clothing of the perpetrator depends?


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