Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rci Building 105 Rada St

cashing in - animal suffering caused by Botox

"Nowhere in the world, doctors inject Botox as much as in Switzerland. The nerve agent, they smooth out wrinkles. But thousands die each year of laboratory animals."

So begins the report by cash check.

The U.S. company Allergan, Botox is a leader in the market. Your sales increase from year to year, there are currently a billion dollars.

Because of the toxicity of Botox, must each unit in the standard test be examined LD-50. What sounds so harmless, is in reality a cruel procedure, where each animal ethics must remain far away. Botulinum toxin (Botox) is injected in very dilute form of various different groups of mice in the abdominal cavity. This leads to paralysis of the muscles, nerves, and visual disturbances after days of suffering of the animals to death by suffocation. If
is dead within four days, half of the laboratory animals, the right dose and the respective unit of Botox is released.

The German organization notes doctors against animal experiments, that this cruel LD-50 test is almost exclusively used for Botox, and still be required is. This die every year between 100,000 and 300,000 animals in excruciating fashion. Exact figures are lacking. The Botox manufacturer try to conceal it.

is to justify such suffering just for the obsession with beauty?
wrinkle smoothing at the expense of extreme animal suffering?

women, wake up and not define yourself about your wrinkles! Or you want to maintain the image: Pretty face and no brain?
Or: Shiny facade and no heart?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Showing Penis On Bus Train

Blocher let bombard themselves with tasers?

Mr Blocher, if they claim such, they should also supply the corresponding video. :-)

I doubt that is strong, that they would volunteer Shelling of a Taser could, where its use is still very controversial and dangerous. Are you a billionaire who puts his life in frivolous play? They were so truly unique.

But let the facts:

first satellite was today 1 (News, 18.30 clock) the video of a tourist from Canada who happens filmed the use of Tasers. The person concerned is the way he died is the 16th Victim of a Taser use in Canada, from the danger of the manufacturer and they too, Sir are convinced.

I ask you, what is their opinion really worth, especially in light of 16 dead alone in Canada and 300 dead in the U.S.?
Obviously one opinion among many, not the research before making false claims with conviction in the room.

More info:
- Detailed information on the Taser, which is used against children.
- Canadian Police kill Polish immigrants with electric shocks - already 16 deaths in Canada and 300 deaths in the United States.

Mascara To Use For Blepharitis

USA: suicides

commit Daily 17 former U.S. soldiers suicide!

This is the average of all former Army member, not just those have done in Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan in service.

What happens to these young people in the army? How sick are
army structures that drive their own people to suicide?

Digital Playground On Ligne

cell phone radiation makes cows blind

A farmer from near Winterthur Reutlingen had long been a horrible suspicion: The radiation of the leading mobile phone antenna on his farm in calves to disabilities. Scientists now confirm his suspicions.

on the farm of Hans Sturzenegger 1999 levels by 2006 mobile antenna. During this time, almost every third calf was in the yard with a type of cataract in the world. This caused a disability almost complete blindness in ruminants. A total of 50 calves could not use the farmer at this time for breeding, as he had before.

Sturzenegger suspected as a reason soon to electromagnetic radiation of mobile phone antenna. And indeed, since the antenna is no longer in operation, the calves are healthy again. hold

As the print media, cattle can not read a newspaper, and imagine that any radiation effects!
It is reported that
confirmed even the Federal Office for Environmental effects on humans, but cancer returned to his home page, because there are only symptoms such as insomnia and body aches mentioned as evidence.

It seems that the benefits of mobile phones for business and society is so high that we can hold out all dismiss it as "animals".
One thing you have to hold here: cattle, not only do not read, they can not make calls with a mobile phone. All the problems on the farm just the result of a single mobile antenna from Orange.
Each of us, whether he used a mobile phone or not, is therefore in the field of large-scale "radiation experiment.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Great White Shark Okinawa

AIDS vaccine promotes contagion

first one believes in a bad joke, but it is sad Truth:

The unnamed vaccine is one of the world's only two vaccines have made it to Phase III testing - ie to people who are vulnerable by their circumstances AIDS. He has until recently been tested on 3,000 people, including in South Africa and the USA.

Not that the action was a failure, no:

"The results are as disappointing as a mystery," says Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health, the partner of MSD in the vaccine trial are. There was no explanation for the failure.

Apparently there is no explanation for our blind faith in the pharmaceutical industry.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Can You Make Cake In A Baking Tray

racial discrimination is dependent dresses

Although they have beaten several foreigners must acquit the Lucerne High Court two neo-Nazis from the claim of racial discrimination. The Federal Court considers their actions no racial discrimination, because the two perpetrators for third parties have only a few feet away were no longer recognizable as neo-Nazis .

According to the Federal Court's reasoning was therefore not a Nazi Hitler because he was not wearing brown shirts? Deportations and killing millions in gas chambers was therefore no racial discrimination?

Each neo-Nazi who still left a gram of brain has is to let his hair grow a bit in the future, a fashionable dress jacket, etc., then he can dozens of foreigners, such as blacks beat up so brutally. In due time he will be acquitted by the federal court of charges of racial discrimination, because his clothes do not look at what's for garbage in his head.

Since when, dear federal judge, is racial discrimination against the clothing of the perpetrator depends?