Monday, December 13, 2010

A Letter To My Daughter For Confirmation

Heißumkämpft in Lagos: the mother's

invitation to come to Dakar for the World Festival of Black Arts / Photos, Mercie! : Tunisia will attend Third World Festival of Negro Art in Dakar

For the remaining weeks of the year in which many African countries the 50th celebrated the anniversary of its independence, Africa has made something very special. Since yesterday evening until New Year's Eve is allowed everywhere in Senegal's capital Dakar "dancing dolls" for the whole of Africa (and visitors from around the world) has (have) be announced on a visit, to rise again along with the Senegalese, the "World Festival of Black Arts" leave.
And there is really something powerful going on,

Photo (c) AFP: Doudou Ndiaye Rose, the percussionist on stage at the Leopold Sedar Senghor stadium in Dakar for the start of the World Festival of Negro Arts, 10 December 2010 /
SENEGAL: revival of the controversy WORLD OF THE BLACK ARTS FESTIVAL - Fman - Sénégal: le Festival mondial des arts nègres réssuscité, 44 ans après Senghor

Founded in 1966, it would become THE African Cultural Festival, designed to be permanent and as a ceremonial gathering place for African people and cultures. All the other people in the world should demonstrate powerfully that the black man - exhausted not only in poverty, disease and hunger, but that he, the eternal forces are able to draw again, with the exchange - and also his original continent other people and from the diverse and ancient culture. Leopold Sedar Senghor, the great thinkers Africa, poet, founder of the global identity
black people and President of Senegal in those 1960s, was the father of this idea and the resulting international patron of the festival. Leopold Sedar Senghor
The course gave rise to hope for an upbeat and development and a sustained and respectful perception in the world, which seemed to prove the second festival in Nigeria at first also. But political controversy over the orientation of the party have noticed a lot of pan-African Encounter in music, dance and theater can actually take place only these two times.

But now is the cultural legacy as it were, risen Senghor, 44 years after its creation - but not without powerful, critical voices

. At the 3rd

Photo (c) AFP: Opening Ceremony of the Festival of Black Arts in Leopold Sedar Senghor Stadium 10 December 2010 in Dakar, SENEGAL: Controversial rebirth of the WORLD FESTIVAL OF THE BLACK ARTS - Fman - Sénégal: le Festival mondial des arts nègres réssuscité, 44 all-ans après Senghor

clear emphasis will be on all event announcements in the country and around the world this time the

fact that most artists and the visitors from various countries and cultures of the African continent
come to, but well be evidence of the wealth of influences and the diversity of the arts of Africa, but not the host country, Senegal or the African Union, acting as sponsor, this time the are all uniting factors.
most important criterion in Dakar in 2010, it has to be black and proud - and of course, cheerful, creative and open to all cultural activities und für die Menschen auf diesem 3. Worldfestival of Black Arts im Senegal.    


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