Monday, September 27, 2010

Why Cough Blood When Brush

They were probably the two months South Africa. Thought of as complete a process of nostalgia, longing, adventure ... what's left?

I can definitely say that it was different than expected. As previously reported, I could not prepare my heart for everything and so I had to accept some disappointment with the many changes and aspects, has been done to find little change. But because I have a clearer picture of the work to get here, what was missing last year. There I always had people around me, now I was alone and saw a little more behind the scenes. The fact that the leaders have a break, some things come to a standstill, which in some respects is even good. Man regains sight of the Wesentliche.Und I have respect for the transitional leaders and their perseverance in these difficult times and the many variations on the team.
A lack of finances and broken cars, I am again very little outward gone, there was almost no use in schools, the clubs, I focused on my teens. From the perspective of efficiency and benefit missionary I came closer to my goal not.

But God has opened opportunities to discover different sides to people and the country. Due to the many free time I had the opportunity to invest me where it is really important to me. I could meet friends and spend time without pressure or stressed-out bosses easy time with them and invest in their lives. It was amazing to see the teens again, and they would go a year later. Your life is changing so rapidly and often dramatically. Now I find it difficult again to let them go and not knowing how it will go with them. Good to know that they are in God's hand is the best place and he does not leave her steps from her eyes.
Other people I have met quite new and was very blessed by it. I was invited to friends, often spontaneously and was just surprised by her openness and we could exchange ideas always good. Just yesterday evening I met a nice family and it was just such a familiarity there, as God alone can give them. Without us to know better, said the Spirit of God and has served us all in a way that I was just blown away, God is good!
I also had the opportunity to visit my favorite places again and just to stay there. This Country is simply too beautiful to just drive over that quickly or all in a 2 week vacation mitkriegt. Despite all the problems and conflicts, it is a beauty and is truly a "Rainbow Nation". Many things bring you to the ropes, to the horror on their knees in prayer ...

And that I take with: new fire in the heart and hand of God on my life. No idea why, but here God seems so close and tangible. He is faithful and shows up when we ask Him. I was surprised so many times here and I'm curious to see how it goes with me in Germany ...
My time here is over and I will now be able to survive better when I go back. I truly believe that it important for the Re-Entry process is to find a good conclusion. That makes life easier about it.
Thank you to everyone who tuned and designed with mitgebetet, be blessed!


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