Monday, August 23, 2010

New Chikan Rail Online

Paradise Reloaded

plays an update from me, and again from another place ... The
first weeks in Light House were simply not admitted. It was just all so different and I first had to get used to the other conditions.

The rule was broken again, since my family arrived in Johannesburg. I would have never thought so, but they have implemented a dream and have actually gone into the aircraft. We have two weeks together to tour the beautiful vast country.
the beginning there were some problems with the luggage, but we did everything with humor. Moreover, the experiences were too great to enable people to mope. The weather was not as warm as in summer, but we had many great days and almost always Sun.
The first was Cape Town with its beautiful houses, the Cape, the great beaches, Table Mountain and a breathtaking panorama. Then we continued along the Garden Route. We drove just start and looked for a hotel in the evening, which was exciting but also challenging. God was really good and we always had a really good bed and very nice hosts. There were some good discussions and we have always taken care of!

A trip to "Africa Africa" was the drive through the Transkei, the homeland of the Xhosa. It went up and down the mountains, isolated villages of round huts were seen and many people, goats, cows on the highway .=) But it was worth it, after the white South African Nobel sometimes still see as a totally different side. And it was really just to marvel at how diverse it may be that country. One hour drive and you see a completely different landscape-wow!

Especially we are in Durban, the hottest city on the Indian Ocean. It feels so good to be back at headquarters to see the people again to enjoy the beach, stroll through Suncoast to worshiper in Glenridge ... this is called holiday! Unfortunately, it goes further tomorrow, but I want my family even the North Show "my" Township, friends and work. And again a completely different landscape ... We can not wait!


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