Friday, April 30, 2010

Brazillian Waxing Obese Women

expropriates learned the big banks!

bank manager in the delusions of grandeur!

what is practiced today in the banking business is legalized Strassenräubertum at the expense of working people and the In the poorest third world countries.
will voluntarily give up those driven by greed bank manager never exploit their position. They do not care whether they contribute to social peace or destroy it, main thing is to vote in the profits.
called Mr. Ziegler, this aptly "Bankenbanditismus. This banditry is undemocratic and must be controlled by a strong government with clear laws and if they can not be kontrllieren by law, they must be expropriated, as Jean Ziegler calls.

way: Those who believe that his work was worth about 70 million Swiss francs is not a manager on a chair Bank, where he can steal from investors and savers, but should be tested for his mental sanity! I can not find a term for this kind of madness or insanity!

Jean Ziegler writes:
in France came in October 1944 the first provisional government of de Gaulle to power. They nationalized the banks. Charles de Gaulle was a rechtskonservati ver, stock Catholic army officer. But he had understood: no public scrutiny of the credit system not an economic democracy. Expropriation of the big banks is not a Bolshevik ludicrous claim. It is a minimum bid of political reason. The predators of UBS and CS can be set only by dispossessing the evil trade. Without expropriation of the big banks Bankenbanditismu s no end in Switzerland.


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