Monday, September 28, 2009

Fluorescent Colour Bangalore

Good old Germany

2 months ago today I left the beautiful South Africa and since then I try again to find in Germany deal .=) After I've noticed in South Africa I'm German and thought now was the realization that I did change something and give me some things are strange or new.

The first weeks I had already jammed frequently, what's here, and have enjoyed it too. On the first night back in the shower are (in ZA you had in the absence hinkauern shower curtain), let the water in an almost hard jet to be raining down-without worrying that the tank is empty or equal to the water is cold. You do not have three hours before turn on the boiler and can enjoy as long as you want.
I was also amazed at how quickly you get used to very small things. I have always cut at the beginning against the wall when I was about to light the light because the light switch in ZA are much higher than at home.

Another chapter would be there to drive. The first day I was very confused and thought my parents driving on the wrong side, especially when turning. When I then just sat in the car, was I have often inclined to the left to serve or wrong way to ride in the roundabout. My sister got me caring but kept by more or less friendly cheers on the right side ...=) Also one must therefore accept that there are rules of the road really. So pass on the highway is not right, do not drive too fast and stuff. That is even harder ... But it is so slow, I assume, at least on .=)

What I miss, or otherwise experience:
- in the supermarket, there are no 20 different Chipswürzungen
- I miss: sweet chilli sauce the boards on the sand slopes with 34-year-old Mercedes Benz, my teens, the daily routine, the Trekker in Woodhouse, Simba and Munashe that every morning, "Hello Kathy, how ru?" Kimberley laughter
- getting used to again is the community of Worship in the seats, the many new people and not be informed

But it is nice to back here, many people have to be made again and am curious what the next few weeks bring so!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Front Office Small Organizational Chart

really comes after a long silence here are the first greeting from home. For a few weeks I am back in Germany and I have to get used again because of having unlimited internet ...=)

Thank you for all that you've seen the thing on a regular basis and perhaps sometimes annoying wait when there's nothing new there. I'm sorry if I have written so often, which was definitely not lack of information, because there were more than enough to tell. Often I forget it's me, in the many adventures almost went down or the Internet was once again acknowledged his services for us.

I must say farewell to me was really hard. Without being conscious decision, were the ties with some people become really close and only now, when walking, I noticed that really. Especially with the teens I'm sorry, they now let alone again and I hope to grow that they will continue to have strong personalities and faith! Fortunately
I really come to a successful conclusion. The year was in many ways also have been challenging and it's good to talk about it with the heads, to tell them what I was annoyed over the year, where they may want to change things, but this was also good.

me it has also surprised at how much I've grown to love the people that came especially for my farewell party to bear. My teens have I acted out in plays and reveals little quirks, many thanked me for the music at camps or prayer evenings. The other trekkers have even written a musical about and for me! I would not really expect all those things and was so touched and amazed all the more. On the night my heart was therefore even more difficult.

many ultra creative contributions to my farewell party

The next surprise came the next morning in the town, where a party had also organized! I was only once a week there and did not know many of the people, but everyone was still there, what has brought-simply beautiful! They have sent me back out for Germany and I was really floored!

with Lizelle and Andrew, the worship leaders of the church where I play for a year and could learn a lot

And when I then one thing at a the other packed in the suitcase, I had to leave so many here and the room was always empty, even the melancholy and came away some tears. The year was simply unforgettable!

was already a few days later, the serious business. Everything was packed to leave the room scary and we were off to the airport. When I embraced all, I had the thought: When will I see again the people? Some probably not so fast ...

with the other trekkers (left to right): Sebastian, Raquel, I Mariale and Magnus-Dream Team!

I was very happy that my Star Girl (my dance group) were allowed to the airport. You've never seen the inside of an airport. Sorry We had not much time for sightseeing because I had luggage problems. There were still huge ne distribution campaign to get rid of a few kilos. In the end everything went well and I was let through.

tears at parting

The flight itself was okay, but not again. I had a long stay in Abu Dhabi, but this time there was not a hotel, but the hard ground and an ultra-cold air conditioning. Despite winter jacket and gloves I geschlottert ...=) So I was happy, after many hours in the air at last to arrive in Frankfurt.
The whole time I felt like in the movie and stood next to me. I could not even realize what just happened with me and would To say that I've really done until 2 weeks ago. Still, it was nice to see again my parents and the other great people that welcomed me.

The first weeks at home were also influenced by stress. But rewarding experiences, such as seeing friends and family again or return to sleep in your own bed. Now I have to again get used to living in Germany and South Africa not only to grieve afterwards, which is not so simple.
over what was still as usual, and come the next time.