Friday, January 4, 2008

How Do I Connect A Hard Drive To My Tv

what you have today searched the Internet?

searched? We certainly do not understand the google (tm) use ("google" the verb Wikipedia )

... contributions to the previous nor appropriate ...

you: signed on the petition or are politically active
you: two terms are used

you sometimes: monitored

polylog terrorist surveillance @ videothek

Are Biotique Products Good?

"Monitoring is not allowed"


known whether the Data Protection Is that no IMSI-Catcher direction finding equipment, but those are for the interception of mobile phones without the assistance of the network operator, this was the last question.
"With the IMSI-catcher I have not explained to me," says Wögerbauer. "Listening is certainly not illegal."

Tally 7.2 Open But Memory Access Violation Error

Austria is free ... The

of privacy?

As newspapers are filled again and reports on data retention in Germany, and somehow in mind was that it's kind in Austria, so I am now even gone to research ...

on request of g.: this is a summary of the many references as the left and sources are cited ...

are InsideWeb several petitions and protests similar to find this here

"At the midnight of December 6, 2007 resolved the National Council the amendment to the Security Police Act this has been turned off in one evening three controls.
  • the supervision of judges
  • the control of Provider
  • the control of Parliament
For the first time allowed to the police without a court order
  • location data from mobile phones query
  • IMSI-Catcher use force
  • network operators to provide information about dynamic IP addresses "

sounds hefty times already ... then reported the JV (joint venture) data

"permanent monitoring of telephone calls, email and SMS jeopardize fundamental freedoms - with basic values of open society incompatible - industrial espionage is possible to push - editorial, lawyers and doctors secret lost - massive economic burden threatened. "
Quote: ARGE data

well ... now I want to read the exact text of the law ...

the Austrian Data Protection Commission met in the Data Protection Report 2007
following statement (on Due to complaints of stored IP addresses, and master data transmission to the music industry)

6.2.9. Retention of traffic data
Internet connections (K213.000)

"§ 99 Telecommunications Act 2003 requires operators of public
communication networks, traffic data, the extra in
the law, specific arrangements for cases to
completion of the technical and organizational
settlement of a network linking anonymize
or delete them. IP addresses can access
within the meaning of § 92 para 3 4a Telecommunications Act 2003 and therefore
traffic data for the purposes of the TKG 2003. Only
static IP addresses can simultaneously
its master data, when in a directory
the identity of the subscriber data are connected.
The storage of dynamically assigned IP addresses for the purposes of verification

a Fair Use Policy is not necessary for billing purposes
and can therefore not be on the admissibility
based on § 99 para 2 TKG 2003. "
(recommendation K213.000 / 0005-DSK/2006). "

... aha Telecommunications Act ... 2003 version with some amendments (amendments to spam, etc.) ...

secret communication
§ 93 (1) The secrecy of the communication content data, traffic data and location data. The secret communication extends to the data of unsuccessful connection attempts.
(2) For the safeguarding of confidentiality of communications, each operator and all persons involved in the activities of the operator required. The obligation of confidentiality shall continue after the end of the activity by which it was founded.
(3) Recording Listening, tapping, interception or other monitoring of communications and the associated traffic and location data and the dissemination of information by persons other than a user without consent of all the user is permitted. This does not apply to recording and tracking of telephone calls as part of the reception of emergency calls and the cases of fishing circuit and for a technical storage which is required for the transmission of a message.
(4) If accidentally using a radio system, a telecommunications terminal equipment or by any other technical device to receive messages that are for the radio system, the telecommunications terminal equipment or the user of the other device to be determined, then any of the content of the messages and the fact of their reception or yet recorded or communicated to any unauthorized person for any Purposes be used. Recorded messages are erased or otherwise destroyed.

sounds good ... well, then came the first designs for the amendment of the Telecommunications Act according to the EU setting ...

Source: Comparison of law and design on

4a. "Access" that traffic data, resulting in access of a subscriber to a public communications network with the operator and for the assignment of any given time for a communication network used for addressing Participants are required;

4a. "Stock data" all that ordinary, traffic and location data to access a subscriber to a public communications network or for the purpose of billing thereof produced or processed, including data of unsuccessful call attempts where that data collected and stored about the provision of telephone services or in connection the provision of Internet services logs, which are:
b) to identify the destination of a communication data concerning fixed network telephony and mobile
f) to determine the location of mobile communication equipment:

... However, with the sales ...

§ 102a.
(2) The data to be stored so that they and all other necessary information without delay to the implementation of an interception of a telecommunication authorities can be forwarded on the basis of a court order or decree.

... a court order or decree ...

Well ... The amendment seems to have decided not ...
but what is the now the Transportation Pete ... oh yes ... that is the Security Police Act ....

new Security Policy Act by 12/6/2007:
§ 53 para 3a:
"3 (a) The security authorities are entitled to by operators of public
telecommunications services (§ 92 para 3 1 Telecommunications Act of 2003 - Telecommunications Act 2003, BGBl . I
No. 70), and other service providers (§ 3 Z 2 E-Commerce Law - ECG, Federal Law Gazette I No. 152/2001)
to request information about first
Name, address and the telephone number of a particular port, second
Internet Protocol address (IP address) to a specific message and the time of delivery, and

third Name and address of a user that an IP address to a given time
was assigned
2 of 7 272 of the side dishes XXIII. GP - Decision NR - legal text
if certain facts justify the assumption of a specific risk situation and this
data as essential to the performance, in accordance with this Act transferred
tasks require. The designation of a connection to condition 1 can be made for the fulfillment of the first
assistance in general duty or the defense of dangerous attacks and by reference to a
run from this port call by name for a specific period of time and
number of auditors. The requested party is obliged to provide information
immediately and to give free "

I thought the data should not be stored according to Telecommunications Act 2003? The amendment to the Telecommunications Act 2003 is not yet decided ... or is it? or ... uh ...

Fact: A horror ... my beloved ... Big Brother scenarios - follow in the next post ...

brainwave [leached by law texts]

ps: spelling correction - forget it!

B A L O Nt O W E R D E F E N C E 4

hominization (lat. the Incarnation)

Source: Wikipedia

The hominization (lat. the Incarnation) is the biological and cultural development of the human species as part of evolution.

The incarnation began after current state of research in East Africa. By random changes (mutations) of the genome, genetic recombination and natural selection processes arose from chimpanzee-like ancestors, in several batches and sometimes parallel, new branches of the tree, where one of them finally emerged from Homo sapiens. Why are people from all forms of modern man only remained one of the unresolved issues of paleoanthropology, a sub-science of anthropology. Generations of researchers searched and search for missing links, which would explain the transition from one type to another. Missing Links is finding such random and is considered highly unlikely, since the emergence of new branches is mostly limited to a few individuals of a nuclear family. In most cases there are incomplete fossils (usually only parts of the skull, lower jaw bone, teeth, leg and arm bones, part of the basin, etc.) of individuals that only come from a side branch of development.