Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sandras Private Homepage

Who dun it?! A very short process in South Africa MAMA AFRICA

(© Marc Hoffer / AFP / Getty Images / THANK YOU! / /
rape in Congo: Rare as coolly planned) occurs

fact that violence against women in any war, without exception, and that this form of attack on the enemy, a particularly humiliating and perverted form of warfare that is . known for centuries, however, is the extent of this terrible crime the world has never been enough attention paid to - quite the contrary: Even if some of these rapes, this blows, these murders be made public , the surviving women still remain alone with their pain and the subsequent medical disasters such as HIV or AIDS, mutilation, infertility and miscarriages, in short, are Sendi and remain alone with her despair, her shame.
have a few weeks ago but joined forces in the Congo after a particularly heinous rape wave many affected women, this degrading ritual finally to face up to each other and to give strength and support.
In the decades of civil war and rebellion-torn West Africa - around the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda - are war crimes and thus rape has always been on the agenda. However, there are also long been acclaimed the blue helmets of United Nations peacekeeping forces, then, there on the ground to at least prevent the worst.
had since because even General Ban Ki-Moon is not only a terrible failure of its peacekeepers to speak, but also a complicity of the United Nations in the massacres.
As has been found, however, after a thorough investigation of the UN last mass rapes now have watched the blue helmets of the horrible doings of the rebel militias only calmly, but they have intervened in any way.
In the international press almost simultaneously comprehensive UN investigation report on the previous civil wars in West Africa published , which sometimes caused in the press confusion about which of the massacre was the year in which there is now dealt with straight. So many horrible deaths so terrible atrocities also projected and multiplied imagine that was for many, even well-meaning Europeans will probably too much. They went on to other matters.

But the ground in Africa was the UN massacre report a strong response: The affected States protested loudly. However, against the bill5
investigation report of the United Nations - and not against the atrocities there precisely listed or against the rebel militia, against the marauding armies and rest against the responsible governments of West Africa, with its insatiable rulers.
alone, that the victims of all these really the most cruel violence have now started to become vocal and powerful noticeable, is encouraging and gives hope for the future of Africa. The injured and violated women at least not want to always and forever remain victims, they want for themselves and especially for their daughters and sons of a different Africa. A continent that does not just talk of wars, violence and famine on its own, but one that we wholeheartedly and love is called 'our Mama Africa ".

Friday, October 29, 2010

éxpérience Homo En Tunisie

(1): mass rape as a weapon of war

women in Senegal, 2004 / Bernard
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Wikimedia Commons

Since the lately very controversial in Germany Issue of integration already on our Blog Basics heard, we just want the
published today

"" article by Tissy Bruns to the core theme of "forced marriage" exceptionally publish in full.

forced marriage in this country while - if ever - mentioned mainly in connection with the Turkish fellow citizens in Germany, also affects countless young women from Africa, their origin and cultural background either influenced African-Muslim or tribal-traditional one. Even - and especially - in Africa are forced marriages of women and multiple marriages Men - polygamy, then, dialectic also drastically as "polygamy" means - to the traditional embossed everyday. This leads also here in Germany - as in asylum procedures or maintenance disputes - often legal complications of a general nature, but above all to a massive legal insecurity of women.

forced marriage: Finally expressly prohibited
by Tissy Bruns / / Feedback - Counterpoint

forced marriage: Finally expressly prohibited

Tissy Bruns said in its today's "Counterpoint" why the new law against Forced marriage is not cosmetic, but overdue - and the Greens are wrong in their criticism.

forced marriages are not allowed in Germany. They can be as "serious assault" prosecuted, the maximum penalty is five years. The Greens criticize therefore the legal regulation of forced marriage as a mere "cosmetic", released today by the black-yellow government - has been decided - as part of the draft law on integration. In fact, nothing changes on penalties. But the forced marriage becomes our own offense - and this is not cosmetic, but overdue. It will finally expressly prohibited. The human content of the new legislation is also clear in a second revision: Young Women, which here are mature and are forced into Turkey in an unwanted marriage, receive a right to return to Germany, which is valid for ten years. So far it has gone after six months. can
legal acts and by his standards, not only because of the penalties that it imposed. Then the Greens have put value in that they have fought for tough new legal provisions such as rape in marriage or on parental slap. Marital rape or violence against children are by Other laws already punishable, at the time were the objections. Problematic and is, moreover, that the legal prosecution would regularly fail due to the reality of life. Both objections were their true core, as it has a kernel of truth that the prosecution of forced marriage, whether as coercion or as a separate offense, is difficult and will remain.

Muslim women and girls: The first and most vulnerable victims of refusal to integrate. - Photo: AFP / Forced Marriage: Finally expressly prohibited

Yet it was right to prohibit marital rape and physical violence explicitly as a means of education. Today we call this the "backward methods of education" when Turkish and German fathers beat their sons. This also reflects the legislative effect of the law. It is not very long ago that the words "A slap never hurt anyone has" the German mainstream of educational questions was. Or the mother's announcement, "Just wait until Dad comes home" as the announcement of a spanking had to be understood. The explicit prohibition of forced marriage may initiate a similar change, because it strengthens the girls and women who are potential or actual victims of attitudes who bring their parents out of their cultural traditions. Forced marriages violated the core of the liberal constitutional state, they are inconsistent with Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Basic Law. The indifference with which accepted the so-called mainstream society over decades, that will hurt our society in the midst of fundamental rights is one of the main causes of our integration problems. For the integration in our value system and fundamental rights can only be credible but ask who their injuries are not passively accepts. The first
and most vulnerable victims of refusal to integrate have been and are young Muslim girls. Decades of thick-skinned combines the "Multikultis" on the red-green side and the black reality deniers, the facts of immigration are too long denied. Some thought, even if all goes well. The other: They will go away again. Opposite attitudes, but same effect. Immigrants were required nor encouraged. And certainly not immigrants. you are like no one else in the fire of conflict between traditional role expectations of their families and the promise of self-determination of our society. You have the most to lose if they are unwanted Role maintenance can not escape. But they are also carriers of the hope of integration. Because they have most to gain if it succeeds. Namely, the freedoms that their German-born sisters are, of course, the self-determined decision on choice of career, love, marriage, children's wishes. Therefore, the explicit prohibition of forced marriage is correct. not only as a message to these girls and women, but as one to all people in this country facing a call for respect for our fundamental values. "

Exotic Morocco. Marrakesh. Veiled Women. / Steve Evans
from India and USA / forced marriages Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

/ Wikimedia Commons

: Bund improved victim protection / With material from AP, AFP and DAPD

"... So should forced marriage be made a criminal offense in the future. It faces up to five years in prison so far forced marriage can be punished as a serious constraint. The maximum penalty is indeed already in five years, but with the new regulation is being prosecuted more easily . victims would be better protected: who is forced to marry abroad, to the right of return . Get Even marriages should be fought sharper. A permanent residence permit to a partner only after three years get married. Currently, the limit is two years ... ....
Green: Pure Beauty was

critique from the opposition not long in coming. The Greens called the bill specifically the coalition useless against forced marriage: "Forced marriage is already a criminal offense," said Group Managing Director Volker Beck. "This is cosmetic legislation." Beck demanded that anyone wishing to address the problem had more to improve the protection of victims. He accused the coalition detract from, with a planned tightening of sanctions against those unwilling to integrate on their own inadequacies to do. "The talk of sanctions is a red herring, because the means for the integration courses will be cut."

Tougher laws for integration
Author: Siegfried Scheithauer (afp, DAPD, dpa, epd) /

"... right of return for the victims of forced marriage
devoted announced, the Cabinet and the protection of foreign Women and young people against forced marriages and marriages of the controversial topic. Forced marriages were considered "qualified coercion." According to the proposal of the coalition is to the marriage of young migrant women against their will now be a separate offense. It threatens six months to five years imprisonment. The attempt is to be punished. The inclusion in the Penal Code for the Liberal Minister Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger a "clarification", hence a "progress". It noted, however, that it probably "no greater deterrent" was not related. The prosecution is difficult because the police Notes from the environment of the victim remain dependent, and in this environment is not a forced marriage considered wrong key element -. This Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger - remains the introduction of a right of return for women who were forced into a marriage abroad .

have, especially in the German cities, more and more citizens now foreign roots /
Tougher laws for integration

Other politicians spoke of a coalition clear Signal that forced marriage "is not a minor offense" is. The parents had the "criminal dimension" to be held clearly in mind. to combat so-called marriages, the government also agreed that a marriage at least three years must exist before a spouse from abroad to its own "residence permit" helps. Until now, the limit was two years ago. In cases of hardship to those affected by this law will also have faster, for example in cases of domestic violence, the draft of the Christian-liberal coalition ... "

Kounkane Wedding in Upper Casamance, Senegal) / Dorothy Voorhees / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
2.0 / Wikimedia Commons

Photos: Thank you ! Thank you!

first woman with children from Senegal / Bernard bill5 / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike / Wikimedia Commons /
GNU Free Documentation License second Muslim women and girls: The first and most vulnerable victims of refusal to integrate.
- Photo: AFP / forced marriage: Finally expressly prohibited / Exotic Morocco. Marrakesh. Veiled Women. / Frau und Kind aus einem der überfallenen Dörfer
Steve Evans from India and USA /
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
/ Wikimedia Commons 4th
Kounkane Wedding in Upper Casamance, Senegal) / Dorothy Voorhees / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
/ Wikimedia Commom