Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How Much Metal Flake Do I Need

Israel has nothing from history

It is to weep

Ironically, Israel, the personification of the Jewish state, denied today humanistic aid to the needy.

Before and during the 2nd World War II, Jews were the victims themselves, need the help of courageous people that humanity was more important than criminal policies. Today, there are Israelis or Israeli Politicians who abuse their political power to lend to their fanatical expression of inhumanity.

media are already here, normal and helpful people, the term 'activist' policy. Because the term "activist" is already the scent of the "not quite normal" at.

But who is not normal, who is here as a being with a stone heart? To
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is like a state criminal, ready to kill unarmed people that meet only basic humanitarian needs. Needs, which the Jews of Europe for many years had and which were then filled with people who kill Netanyahu now or psychologically terrorized.

Prime Minister wake up to it! Learn from history, as long as the world, Israel is still a pity bonus from the past. For their actions, this bonus can melt very quickly and soon Israel and its political arrogance and inhumanity with countries like Iran or North Korea are compared.