Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hair Colour Chart Kolesten

Different kind of peace

Ruckzuck went around the first half-term holidays and you are crazy!
For me this means not only to rest and write a burdensome domestic work but also to move. So here comes
the first post in the new home and I must say: I like it very well!

How it came about, however, is also a story in itself:
I had my first room only for intermediate rent and definitely had to get out at the end of the semester. The first time it was kind of easy to find a room, this time it was nerve-wracking. I knew better now in the city and the various residential areas and thus had more concrete ideas of what I wanted. Actually, the plan was to draw with ner Komilitonin in the most beautiful areas of the city together, the but has shattered. I was really looking long and have a few nice things discovered, but were either too far away or too expensive. The longer I looked, the more I became unmotivated. It was also really fat and more snow in the evening to wait with soaking wet shoes in the cold on the bus, took any pleasure!
Then came my exams to include in an oral history, with a Prof, the so-white about everything. It has been so afraid that they failed, despite much learning at the end of something white and dismally before him.
One morning at breakfast, I thought about all of these pending matters, and began to worry. The devil went a long way and I ended up a huge mountain in front of me worries. But God broke into this despair, with some stark words

It is vain that you rise early and sits long afterwards, eat your bread with worry, for his friends, he gives it in his sleep. Psalm 127:2

Peace I leave with you, give you my peace I command you. I do not give you as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. ; ; John 14:27

This peace of God surprised me completely and I realized for the first time, what does that really mean! We try to create peace in our lives, in all possible ways. It provides with money, time, good people around, a roof over their head, plans for the future ...
This is the peace the world gives, but God has something else for his children! He has a peace for us, holding, even if the above things explode. This peace has stood against external influences and must not-knowing professors before or fawn at housing problems.
It is not that I can now put your feet up and not do anything more needs, but I have not totsorgen me. I must do what is in my power, but then can also admit to my limits and I fall back on God's peace. He will also perform well, he has promised.

And I've seen it! On the same day I had been checking this story and two friends ahead of me. They came out a little depressed and thought that she had asked Prof heavy things and they could say little. I was confused a little, but prayed all the time, that God would change anything and I can say a lot. And the Prof was a few hours later as replacement. He let me talk and I could answer almost any question! I'm rausgeschwebt on air from this office!

Then there was the lack of a shared flat. I had watched a great WG, where it fitted by the people here and the room was great. Since I had real hopes that it would work, but I got a rejection. Not five minutes later came forward a few others and said to me, but the output was flat just outside. I said to God, I would look one last time for offers and if I had no other commitments until tomorrow evening, I would predict there. I found a great offer just one block away from my girlfriend and went there with an ultimatum (which is really extremely rude!). But I got accepted immediately!
The room is awesome, in a penthouse with private balcony and roof terrace. Until now the people are nice too and I'm excited!
But it was worth it to wait, because God is always the best!