Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Retractable Cabinet Hinge

Katha alone @ Tübingen

come here now so the first reports of Katha in Tübingen. And for all the grieving mothers and aunts and grandmothers and other older female readers =): I'm fine!

Seriously, I can not complain really. The WG is great and with the people I get along well. They are all more experienced semester and I have really helped get started, give away the tricks and tips to survive university library and cafeteria, etc.. Frequently we see discussions about politics and other topics or jointly House MD. However, it is only for a sublease and so is probably soon to search for a (hopefully permanent) place to go again.
But there is good news: By accident I found out that living in the city, three other MKs and the first meeting was a fireworks of ideas. So the idea was born to build a network to make freshly returned MKs get used to living in a practical way easier. And establish the plan, MK-WG, haunts both in the mind, one can So be curious ...=)

But now to the study: In the beginning it was really strange to now be a student, albeit a nice Ungewohntsein .=) The first fight was to put together his schedule, which last for several hours can until you have met all expectations and there is no event overlaps. Then you have to wait and see if it is approved and if not, the game starts all over again! I can not complain though, I came to wish all the courses in and up to now are the great.

A few impressions:
- I'm in a seminar on ancient history and of course, Latin is required. In every meeting I could ohrefeigen me, then banned all documents to have! Many a concept still tells me something, but for most sets, I understand only station. Bright spot: None of the 35's it different from other students and Prof understands ...
- due to still unknown causes have been lifted this semester, in philology the NCs with the result that now sit 700 instead of 400 students in an English lecture. This will entail considerable administrative difficulties and we are frequently victims of this lack of planning. But with video transmission and protest occupations auditorium, the students are now trying to become master the situation, end: open!
- my timetable is actually quite empty and you might think: these lazy students! But this is only now coming to light, the unlisted extra work. 50 pages of reading, lectures, homework, etc. Since self-discipline and asked a good time management.
- the adventure "cafeteria food," I have also tried it already and can say that it is not so bad, it looks worse than it is, since there is no disc in Tübingen, but trays with holes in it .=) But it is the cheapest way to get what decent in the stomach. Although I also like to cook and try out. Calculating the correct amount of money and the division still needs time ...

By the by my report is still positive. Community-wise, I'm still looking and visit all sorts of directions and sizes. I really hope that I find the place where I fit well with my gifts!