Thursday, June 18, 2009

Can U Freeze Pasturised Milk

Does one have to understand a rapist?

Mr. Dominique Strebel Editor, the "observer", courting for a criminal law that deals against rapists very mild, especially if it is the ex-husband or ex-boyfriend is he writes.
" Then the people may understand why a rapist, disregard of the separation phase No his partner, and drink and still enforces the sexual intercourse, it also comes with a conditional sentence, while a rapist who obtained his victim out of the bush, usually three years in prison necessarily moves. "(No. 12 Observer, 12 June 2009 )

What they think why should just the ex-boyfriend received a lighter sentence than the ordinary rapist

Some of my arguments for a lighter sentence??

1 ) We need men to learn that rape is under no also some minor offense that deserves only a conditional sentence. There is no rational reason that the scope of such violence in any As may diminish. Also alcohol consumption is no excuse. Who wants to defend his alcohol consumption should better avoid alcohol.
The law trust a man so also, he noted that even when he drank too much and should not drive a car.

2) For the psyche of a woman being raped by the former perhaps even worse than by a stranger. Violence by someone who loved you and we may perhaps still good and it also looks familiar, totally devastating for confidence in the ability.
Our relationships, both familial and societal reasons, but on trust. No one knows exactly how long after Time this woman another man can be trusted again by heart and thus the ability to relate properly again.

3) I am convinced that a man can only be truly satisfied when the woman's sexual union as well as enjoy it. Violent to be to see the pain and panic in the face of the woman and still be sexually attracted to (even alcohol), which I find really sick. Anyone capable of such deeds is to be simply treated in a mental institution, because it constitutes a potential danger. Also, for the benefit of the offender should be treated the joy of violence.

4) Finally, include the deterrence. A man who knows that he at least 3 Years goes to prison, will think twice about whether to observe the "no woman or whether he prefers to believe his cock-controlled (the wrong) wants to hear interpretations of certain signals that he see or hear.

why I personally have no understanding of the judgments of certain judges, the pay of the offender being more respectful than the victim, and therefore have no understanding of the observer at the expense of abused women vying for such judgments to understand. For with truth and justice, this has absolutely nothing to do, only with male superiority delusion.