Sunday, April 26, 2009

Getting Dragon In Poptropica

Photos from Paradise

For those who read the newsletter or will read: Here are the promised pictures.
For all others: Immediately after the Teen Camp for me were announced three weeks Cape Town and it was absolutely brilliant! Great people, great scenery and just a dream! See for yourself ..

such a beautiful place on earth!

V & A Waterfront, our main food court at night =)

sunset in my hand

Rachel and I send greetings!

the southernmost lighthouse Africa

and downtown across the Table Mountain

: mixed old and new

moonscape on the Cape Peninsula

vineyards around it

the short term workers on the WEC conference

at Cape Point

sweet score Along the way ...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Instruction Manual For Pulse Tajima Dg/ml

Au grief!

I must say, this blog really does not seem to be very attractive since the author will update rarely, if ever ...=) real sorry was very busy, then on holiday and so from time to disappears and the Internet for a couple of weeks.

Anyway, the usual procedure so you know, the schools and clubs. But there is another report:
was the week before Easter Teenage camp again. Who was ill-prepared or unexpectant was really surprised (and I feel addressed ...=)). This time, many teens from our club and it was cool that even know each other better.

My small group really great people!

I've even told by one boy in the kids camp. He was now back and it is a pleasure to him "grow" to see!

our stern Time Keeper Sebastian (despite the German unit of time was often too late ...=))

The theme was "Take care of your heart (your heart to pass on) and we have many new insights and healing experience. Many come from broken families with alcohol abuse, no father, etc.

But there was also another program ...

challenging games in which the cohesion of the group was tested

Saving Silverman in a photo story

action was particularly the last evening, we had an international night. The teens learned about the home countries of the employees and some typical country-trained in order to present it to the others then. Germany stood for apple turnovers and rolled at the start. The effect of the energetic Africans, of course, totally stiff ...=)

African-German waltz

also an experience were the nights. First of all ruhigzukriegen teens and then to prevent that they get up in the morning at 4, abkriegen to some hot water ...=) But we had fun, too.

Kgomotso, who was always cold and therefore continued to sleep in my bed, as soon as I got up ...=) ne

It was very blessed time and strangely enough I was then not only ready, but true! And if you then immediately goes on holiday ....