Saturday, January 17, 2009

Replacement Bulbs For Ikea Stranne Lamp

raped woman is condemned by Saudi court

A woman is raped first and then sentenced to 200 lashes and 6 months imprisonment.

This case law comes from the Sharia, a Christian Giordano (see previous item) part would be valid in Switzerland for Muslims!

Read the article on PI (German) or the FOXNews (English) .

Just pure insanity!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Breakthroughs Bell's Palsy

intellectual delusion

The Freiburg Professor Christian Giordano would be in Switzerland are part of the Sharia for Muslims, as reported 20min.

A woman shows understanding
The teaching in Zurich Muslim political scientist Elham Manea says to include: Who
signaling the Muslims that the Swiss legal system is not compatible with their faith was his own, scarcely to represent the Muslims here.

pity that such clear thinking is frowned upon these days almost.


NZZ Online:.. "As a process expert, he knew that were related to the Albanian blood feud quasi-official mediator These are comparable to a magistrate Giordano suggested also that in Switzerland existed Sharia courts which, however, fall outside any control. "

Mr. Giordano, she really want to legalize the laws of criminals by an ancient Courts get new life?
And where does this? When the mafia protection money-extortion?

If there are illegal sharia courts, you have to find them and bring those responsible to our courts. For this purpose, pays any Swiss taxes, that our police are paid.

you, Christian Giordano, plead for liberalism, which will ultimately destroy all liberals, that has formed in the last 160 years in Switzerland, adding they want to create for each "sect" has its own legal space (read: legal freedom of action who violate our laws)!

All NZZ article

Monday, January 5, 2009

How To Peak A Cobra 148?

calm before the storm

Denise and I could not just leave it ...=)

come here fresh (and probably the last) holiday greetings from Durban. Time passes so quickly and next week it goes back to the Light House.
While you have certainly frozen on New Year's, It was pretty warm here, though rainy. I had built up outside some stations, which are then absorbed into the rain ...=)

We were really some people from all countries, so we had a great program to reduce waiting time. There were songs from Korea, Brazil and Zimbabwe, dances from Fiji and South Africa and an international play. It was really nice and you got to know the culture better. Shortly before 12, we drove up the mountain to admire the fireworks over the city. Unfortunately this was not so productive, but beautiful. I had to stay up more then an hour, for New Year's Day in Germany was only an hour later ...=)

is otherwise still day here relaxing and holidays. At last the weather is better and we are every day at the beach. It feels so good to do once what you want or simply nothing ...=) The sea is incredibly beautiful and the waves are high, even almost on the beach. So perfect for surfing, or stop to it all are (swimming is just not on) and the waves break over a can. They have real power and it is either driven out or washed onto the beach. We are now so many that the car is running and then the surfboard ... But here goes!

six people and surfboard in a small Toyoto-no problem!

Next week it's back and we still have one week free before we start with a team week in the new year. There are a few things to be discussed, which is important for the work 2009th
Next time, then De Wildt, now I need to relax more ...=)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Mounting Front License On 2008 Honda Pilot

Malaysia's Muslim faith guardian ban yoga

The supreme religious guardians of Malaysia have issued a fatwa against the old Indian-Hindu philosophy and physical education, a religious edict against yoga also. Islam, they say, offer everything for every situation, he needed no foreign aid, which also undermined his teaching and could have diluted. "As quickly leads one to the other" means that the edict. And so should Muslims in Malaysia to practice about sixty percent of the population, now no more yoga.


The Malaysian government usually follows the advice of the guardian of faith. At least she is opposed to a rare bid that the Muslim-Malay majority more could be separated from the large minority, the Chinese and the ethnic Indian Malaysians making up the 25 or 10 percent of the population.

going for years, this separation, which is cemented to political programs for the Malays preference associated with the Islamization of society. It is contrary to the image of a harmonious multicultural and open society like Malaysia as it is legally binding on itself paints


the fatwas not though. But who is against it, is committing a sin. And that is almost as bad as a violation of secular law.

full article