Sunday, November 30, 2008

Speeches On Students Farewell Party

Unbelievable but true!

After two weeks without Internet (our modem was broken), I found finally the time to tell you something. And there are a lot of good news.

I have moved! We have it all so no longer considered possible, that we take in this year into the wood house, but you should just never say never. As our Manager came and said, this afternoon we could pack our bags, we could not believe it and now I have to always see if it's true. Yesterday we have taken over all the things from the gallery (it has already accumulated a lot) and now I'm busy on granting. This is fun! And I enjoy scary time to have a door, a closed space, just what their own .=)

my room (part of)

The rest of the house is not finished yet, it still lacks a table in the kitchen, so we eat out, often by candlelight, is sometimes beautiful. In the bathroom, still lacks running water, but after we waited so long now, that's no problem .=) And we still have no door, so the house is so open. I can finish my room but in the rest we have to just trust that it will not disappear.

our kitchen (the table is still)

Especially, we are just happy and can still take it. We still have to finish some or find out yet, but it's fun and we befriend us more and more with "our" house. Next week we will make a great housewarming party when hopefully everything ready is.

In recent weeks it very stressful, because it is just before the summer holidays (which start next week), but there are also many great things:
- Last week we were with the whole team at the concert by Hillsong United . Who have just a tour of South Africa behind and the last stop was Pretoria. It was really a great opportunity, because the maps in Europe are still very expensive and you had to pay almost nothing here. I had thought that it is in a hall, but when we arrived we had to first run a bit and it looked suspiciously like a rugby field .=) At the end it was was great on the grass and the atmosphere. The music was good (of course) and it was just a cool thing to pray with several 1000 people from different countries and backgrounds God! The main theme was love and mission, there was a very appealing sermon and a few good impulses.

great atmosphere at the concert

- Worship in a somewhat smaller scale, I'm going to have more personal. God has made it possible for me in the community where I go, can play in a worship team. The people are really nice and fun to make music with them. Today I first played with them in worship and it was a very blessed time. I am God truly grateful for this opportunity!
- I owe you still a report on Durban: Anyone with WEC in use, must make an orientation course. He's always in the main body of the WEC South Africa, precisely in Durban. They have seminars on culture, but also team life and spiritual growth. I've enjoyed the time and could learn a lot. We did fill up but a lot of time to relax and recharge. The city lies on the sea, we were often on the beach or pool. The landscape is beautiful and you really can only marvel at so many things! The people there are so nice and took good care of us. I could really fill up again and get away from work and the stress that often prevails here. Otherwise

I sweat here quite nicely, as you sit in front of the heater rather .=) So I'll probably jump right into the pool again ...
you a blessed new week!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Flu Gallbladder Attack

images from Durban

Here are some pictures of Durban, where I've spent the last 2 weeks. Assignment of a report follows. Only this: It was heavenly!

Already on the way we see a breathtaking landscape, so different in the north

The beach at Durban's skyline in the background

Footprints that the meter-high Waves but quickly blurred

sunset on the beach

The beach is really beautiful, unfortunately the weather has played not always
but that did not stop us from! =)

With Judah, the child of the Trek director, Ruth and Joshua
a little shaver, the one to love them! =)

men (in Jörg this case) in the kitchen, everyone had to do tasks such as
ne WG huge and very funny!

with my "spare Mama" Ruth-a great love!

photo shoot in the Japanese garden-I am extremly happy
and blessed!